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Manufacturing the Dream-Reality Passage

“Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, your life becomes a broken-winged bird that cannot fly” – Langston Hughes

I don’t have an interest in being an Olympic athlete; I don’t have an interest in being a millionaire. Those would be fantastic achievements, and if they happened, I certainly would be excited and appreciative. But those are not my dreams. Those are my father’s dreams, my mother’s dreams, dreams of close friends; my brother and I are very closer so many of those are his dreams – but not my dreams.

Your perception of dreams can quickly be myopically warped and diluted with two dangerous, blinding derailments:
  1. Fear and doubt, so you don’t think your dreams are possible or
  2. Other people’s dreams and goals.

If you dilute your own dreams with obstacle #1, fear and doubt suppresses your confidence and the faith in your ability to actually make your dreams your reality life path. If you fall victim to obstacle #2, you become distracted by the powerful dreams of others, and your identity becomes eclipsed.

Visualize being a reminiscent old-timer. You’re 80 years old, looking back on all of your life challenges and accomplishments and you realize those achievements were not your own, they belonged to someone else. Could you imagine that?! Imagine the visceral frustration of looking back and seeing your dream path diverging from the path you actually lived; just imagine the horror of looking back and seeing the road of your ultimate dreams, and the life path you actually led being sprawling different roads completely on opposite ends of the map.

Make your dream path and your life path the same road! Focus HARD. Concentrate on being aware of YOUR dreams and acquiring them. Identify your dream. Pinpointing the dream – that’s what your energy should go towards.

How do you do that? The leverage of exercise, travel, and nutrition. When you exercise you chisel down your core needs and you are more focused. Proper nutrition keeps you alert and intent and keeps your body, your dream vehicle, clean. Drugs are deadly. Keep good health so you don’t fall victim to doubtful depression or fear in your pursuit of dreams. By traveling, you witness different cultures and you realize what “sticks with you”. What qualities don’t diminish regardless of where you are in the world? Those qualities easily could be YOUR dreams. For a dream to be truly YOUR OWN, that dream must survive and thrive in office cubicles, on different continents, on mountaintops, on beaches, with intelligent people, with unintelligent people, with jokesters, with the serious – all the time.

You possess energy to live for one reason: To merge your dream path with your life path into same passage.

Post your dreams to let the imaginings be heard. This is the first step to manufacturing the dream-reality passage.

Present Problem

  • Langston Hughes; Olympic athlete; Millionaire; mother, father, brother
  • Myopically warp with dilute derailments – fear and doubt, others dreams
  • #1 – lose faith in ability; #2 powerful dreams of others, identity eclipses
  • Visualize old-timer; 80 years old; challenges and accomplishments not your own; sprawling different roads, opposite ends of the map

Present solution

  • Make your dream path and your life path the same road! Focus HARD. Concentrate on being aware of YOUR dreams and acquiring them. Identify your dream. Pinpointing the dream -- that’s what your energy should go towards.
  • Leverage of Exercise – chisel down core, focus
  • Nutrition – dream vehicle (body clean); drugs are deadly; doubtful depression
  • Travel – sticks with you
  • Any environment – YOUR OWN survive and thrive

Redefine Bottom-line

  • You possess energy to live for one reason: To merge your dream path with your life path into same passage.
  • Be heard; post; manufacture dream-reality passage

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