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Do I listen to other people?

A lot of people have asked if I receive directions well? If I listen well and can easily apply things that others suggests.

Let me explain this.

I listen VERY well if the message is profound. If the messenger has deep conviction. If the requester or the messenger has fully considered what the situation is like from my shoes. If the person is delivering the message from a completely selfless stance, then I listen and react and act almost instantaneously.

Unfortunately, when people speak from a conceited, inflated ego and act like they can swoop down and dash on a cure-all for me, I don't listen. Also, most people are selfish and request things that benefit only them, so I don't listen to those either. Finally, most people aren't fully uncertain about their requests, so I don't listen in that sense either.

Ask yourself. Do you possess 100% certainty? Are you selflessly examining the situation from his/her shoes? Does your message possess profound poignancy? If all those are true (certainty, poignancy, selflessness) it's guaranteed that person will respond almost instantaneously. Let's put it this way. I hope to be responding even more, very quickly.

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