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Down-Low on Your Voice

Do not. I repeat, Do not force your voice. If you force your voice, you won't be genuine and your sense of certainty will be fleeting. I'll say it again. Don't force your voice. Just don't force your voice.

It's funny. Most people think you only speak with your true voice when you are talking about profound philoosphical concepts. In actuality, you discover your inner voice through chitchat. It's the idle chitchat that leads to your voice. You have to -- log by log -- unpack and unblock your inner voice starting with, first, the chitchat. If you want to say "man, it's cold today" or "gee, this elevator's crowded". Say it. You must say it. Saying that "meaningless prattle", those "senseless brain-dead comments" unblocks your inner voice. Don't expect this to be immediate. Don't expect yourself to say "Hey is that a new shirt?" and to then suddenly start spouting direct quotes from Plato's The Republic. The unblocking process of your voice takes time. But consider this: If you can't even motivate yourself to have a weather conversation with a person, how could you have a profound spiritual dialogue with a person? Start with the chitchat and your voice will arrive in its own time.

Again, don't force your voice. Start with the chitchat and your voice will naturally flow.

Fulfilling your dreams is about proportions. I'll say it again. Fulfilling your dreams is about proportions. Making your dreams come true is about being in proportion with servitude. The quality and quantity of your dreams must match the magnitude and amount assistance you provide to people. Your amount of personal motivation is limited to your amount of encouragement towards others.

The quality of your dreams is interdependent upon your quality of service for others. Experiencing your actual authentic true dreams -- not false dreams implanted onto you by advertising -- is inextricably interlinked with serving others. If you never serve others, you'll never experience your dreams. Similarly, if you never experience your dreams, you can never serve others.

Fulfilling your dreams is a two-way system. For every spoon of dream fulfillment you feed to yourself, you must serve to other people, and vice versa. When you give something to someone else, your reach, your magnitude of giving is limited to the amount of desires you've personally fulfilled. Similarly, if you try to

Balance your desires with the demands of others. If you have too many desires and not enough time being put into demands of others, you'll never experience your voice. Any time you tip the scales and have too much of external demands or internal desires you extinguish your voice. If you balance your agenda so that you have an equal amount of personal desires and demands for others, you unlock your Spirit's voice.

When people place external demands on you, balance those deadlines with your personal dreams and desires. If your personal dreams are ever improportionate with other peoples' demands on you, you extinguish your voice. Balance your internal desires with the demands of others. If you want to increase your amount of desires to five dreams on the wish-list, you must increase the amount of external tasks people ask you to do to five as well.

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