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Cherish the "home" of a Belonging

Quick reminder on age old advice: when you take something out, put it back where it belongs!Laziness creates clutter. I constantly witness people collecting things for a project and then leaving the "shrapnel leftovers" of that project lying in a little smoldering rubble after their task they believe their task to be "complete". Example: you go to organize your basement and need tape from your desk, labels from you bag, a special pen from your kitchen, and boxes from under your bed. Four different places that were drawn from -- four different storage spots. Typically people cop out before the job is complete, and if they have some labels left over, extra tape, and a few boxes, they'll create a temporary "second" location for those belongings! NO! That's death; that creates clutter and like attracts like so your little obstacle pile will grow.

So my advice is simple. It is this: your task is only complete when you've putten the remains back where they belong. Then you don't even have to worry about remembering where you last left them because everything will always be in its place. Sure, this is an ancient adage, and you may feel a twinge of laziness before you "finished the project" but do yourself, your clarity, your strong sense of connection a favor and put things back where you got them out. You'll feel more alert, centered, and energized as a result of the organization and be able to emotionally and physically move more freely!

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