I stumbled across a flirting, date "tip". This was phrased as a tip and it was about self-touch. It detailed that if a woman is interested in a man, she will touch her chest, leg.
I know (because I've dated women and we've discussed how they don't subscribe to that) that some women do not touch themselves ad a part of their body and then expect a man to obsequiously sidle up to her because of HER romantic interest. And as a male, I personally don't subscribe to that either. Why? Because the times that I observe with my fairly advanced body-language observation skills that a woman is doing some peculiar array of gestures and contortions that she is convinced is supposed to "express her romantic interest" (when in fact walking up to me and saying "I'm romanticlaly interested in you, want to chat?" would be the most phenomenal turn-on possible!) I was repulsed with how little confidence such a person has.
I guess my question is, doesn't that seem awfully reflective of the woman not having confidence? What's stopping the woman from boldly going up to a man that she's interested in and introducing herself? Why must she do this bizarre courtship ritual where SHE touches her self because SHE is interested in a man and instead of acting on HER romantic interest, she feels imprisoned in a set of cultural customs to passively "lure" her sycophantic romantic "prey" over to her? What percentage of women subscribe to such nonsense? I have absolute certainty that it's no 100% because I've met women who laugh at those tactics. What's frightening is that I think the percentage is quite high. In many ways, doesn't this passive, low confidence, indirect role that such a high percentage of women play ultimately condemn their outspokenness, their directness, their assertiveness in the relaitonship?
As homo sapiens were consciously are endowed with teh capacity to NOT resort to bizarre ritualistic courtship mating drills like the ones birds resort to that involve a flashing of colorful feathers and an exotic dance. As humans, we have the capacity to see the inherent ridiculousness in and the confining ramifications of courtship "drills" and even gender roles. And with our consciousness, we can live more full and complete and more importantly, more direct with our emotions in a way that relinquishes us from "moratorium of hte unknown".
"Club-winged Manakins, Machaeropterus deliciosus, reveal that males produce sustained harmonic tones through interactions among oscillating secondary wing feathers" in a courtship ritual. As conscious primates, we have the capacity to choose to NOT display a certain tone and oscillate our arms to convey affection, interest, or attraction. Instead, we have the capacity as humans to walk up to a member of the opposite sex and simply say with words the Nature of our interest in them! Don't you think it's time we've evolved? That it's time to relinquish antiquated courtship rituals that are literally inherent to a more primitive generation?
Doesn't that seem so unnecessarily confusing? I've seen women doing this and truly, honeslty, I thought to myself "that woman has an itch on her chest OR she's indirectly in a very muddled manner trying to get my attention because she's romantically interested in me.
I'm not a taxi driver! If woman touches her self romantically with the intention of "hailing me over for courtship", I don't stop and say "where do you want to go?" Because (to continue the metaphor) if she's failing to be direct, why should I -- HOW could I -- possibly be direct in my response to HER romantic interest?
Both woman and men need to take more confident ownership of their romantic interests.
Wait, do a lot of women SERIOUSLY suffer from the same low-confidence problems as men? Men do the Mystery Method etc PUA workshops because their confidence is low. I can see no different between That type of low confidence and the type of low confidence that causes a woman to passively touch a part of her body instead of having the confidence to approach a man with something are identical!
For me, personally, if I'm interested in a woman, I'll tell her. Or i'll directly ask what she seeks in a relationship (romance, friendship, merely chatting). I've just wasted too many years of my life stuck in the moratorium of the unknown because myself and the woman Both lacked hte confidence to address what kind of relationship was present.
So let's use this as an awakening to just boldly and confidently take ownership of our romantic interests. Why not? We have the capacity to do that as humans, right?!
It's literally disgusting to me that people believe this rubbish. Utter, rubberish. This is preposterous! "Women are more in touch with feelings"? Please! Plenty of sensitive men out there that beg to differ. Men are better at 3-d perceptibility? Please, I'm sure there's some brilliant spatial designers that are female. ALL of these differences between men and women SIMPLY are the result of LOW confidence. Insecure males and insecure females flee and flock to the "Well, Thta'ts why he doesn't understand....our brains our different!" or the "Well, that's why she didn't communicate well...our brains are different" and then burrow themselves further into ignorance. Believing that men and female minds are different is -- it truly is -- a form of self-ridicule! It's ridiculing your own capacity to think as a human being by convincing yourself of the delusion that men and women are cognitively different. We're both the same species, we both have a need for sustanence, procreation, and shelter. Our brains cognitively function the exact same way. The "content" of what's in our brains and our personality and cultural background and personal perceptiosn of the world are undoubtedly different because there's so many different personalities and belief structures!! But to say that because one person has an XY chromosome and an other has an XX producing different reproductive systems, is in someway linked to the cognitive differences of the mind is truly and utterly preposterous! It's preposterous! Men and women have the same mind - a human mind!
It's truly foul and disgusting studies like these that perpetuate inequality in genders. These "false delusory trivias" are merely for the unconfident person to have ammunition in their ignorance and lack of confidence in dating in the first place!
Have you ever considered that there could be two reasons for a man or woman who have a romantic interest in each other to not date: 1) they're both too shy, timid, meek, and unconfident (this is about 95% of the reason why most of the time) or 2)they're both disgusted with how truly PUERILE the gender games have become!
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