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Origins of Fear

I walked through cabrini green yesterday at 3-4am in the morning and didn't know where I was. I didn't feel afraid until this woman (who was selling marijuana out of a shoe polish container and said she could "read my book". Very wierd.)told me it was cabrini green and started acting like I should be afraid because I was white, in that neighborhood, and it was late. This says something interesting about fear. From where does fear originate? In you or in others? Is it contagious or encouraged? For me, if people expect me to be afraid and believe I would be afraid, it's hard to not feel fear (even though it's not really your "own" trepidation). If I'm never with a group, I am rarely afraid. What does this say about acting and relationships and career? The challenge is to hold on to your center and acknowledge when others are reluctant or maybe uncertain, and to still move forward and trust yourself, while not blocking out good advice from others. Achieving that balance, and you'll be successful anywhere.

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