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2 Types of Pursuits & 4 Types of People

Blaise Pascal said there are 2 types of people in the world, those seeking god (providing rationality) and those who have found God (providing happiness) Of that, you get this:

Neglecters -- don't seek God (irrational); don't find god (unhappy)
Fantasizers -- don't seek God (irrational); do find god (happy)
Seekers-- seek god (rational); don't find god (unhappy)
Believers -- seek god (rational); do find god (happy).

I don't want to be a fantasizer with (not saying that acting is godly at all, but...) acting. I don't want to have this pretend conception that I harbor of being an actor or a musician within a fantasy, where I go out to bars to "act", but have no recognition or credentials for it (on the other hand, that's better than not trying at all, for sure, though). I want to be a believer and achieve my success in what I want and what's best for others, too, while not abandoning things that have kept me clear in the past, like computers and teaching.

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