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True Love Is Psychotic

True love, that genuine rare art form, is ultimately psychotic. Learn to love the wild. Embrace the rifts, tides, and currents of that change. Create your unknown and then live to understand your reality. Truth is subjective; discover your own wisdom and comprehend the desires of your intrinsic beauty. This should function as a wake-up call for all your music. No more snooze or booze; time to use your capacity for that rhythmic sagacity.


The Best Anti-Psych Post

Pharmaceutical firms linked to defining DSM diagnostic criteria. Proving, it's all about the money. This is a brilliant reference! I knew this, and rhetorically have asked people why so many of the so-called "disorders" could fit symptomatic criteria of almost any person (insinuating that the pharmaceuticals need to make money from diagnoses, and, thus, make diagnostic criteria incredibly generalized), but your reference illustrates the financial evidence behind the malign and deception. Thanks, WP, for revealing this! Here's a juicy quote:
"Every psychiatric expert involved in writing the standard diagnostic criteria for disorders such as depression and schizophrenia has had financial ties to drug companies that sell medications for those illnesses, a new analysis has found."
The Insanity of Psychiatry
I think one of the most obvious examples that illustrates how the psychiatric sham can't consistently diagnose even the most simple subjects (obviously, because such diagnoses simply do not exist!) is the famous Rosenhan experiment. Designed by David Rosenhan of 1972, the experiment involved "pseudopatients" consisting of perfectly healthy grad students, phycians, psychiatrists, and pediatricians" acting as if they had hallucinatory symptoms and trying to get accepted by 12 prestigious hospitals around the country. They were all accepted. And the greatest blunder of psychiatry is revealed when the hospital staff (after being informed that some of the patients were part of the experiment) couldn't identify the pseudopatients from the real ones and thought some actual patients were pseudopatients! The misdiagnosis of their own misdiagnosis! Ultimately, David Rosenhan single-handedly proved (with his experiment team, of course) that the psychiatric business not only inherently possesses flaws in diagnoses, but also in remission and contingency diagnoses. In short, shrinks don't have the capacity to correctly scrutinize "patients" before and after diagnoses, making the entire diagnostic process a pathetic, ridiculous joke, only to be believed by greedy pharmaceutical companies, shady psychiatrists, or the blundering status quo.

What is this like? How unheard of is that? That's like having the prison wardens make the laws depending on how many jail cells are available! Oh, if they're running out of incarceration space (or, to draw the analogy, have plenty of money), make the laws loose; if they have surplus space (running out of money), make the laws tight and bring in more criminals (or more patients). Utterly ass-backwards. What's even worse? Psychiatric shrinks nor patients don't get insurance money if you don't diagnose. That alone gives an enormous incentive towards labeling, and not emotional help. True help is too subjective and unprofitable. Objectified 'therapeutic applications' are second in line if drugs are not given. Wow this is shocking, so in the psychiatric profession along with the insurance companies, "emotional help" is unprofitable. Saying that genuine emotional help doesn't really legitimize financial profit, is about as "logical" as saying that all lay-ups in basketball don't count only jump shots. The very warped financial provisos of the psychiatric profession discourage genuine help and encourage the mutation of and maladaptively warping of someone's delicate physiology by shoving pills down their throat.

This site offers an amazing repertoire of anti-psychiatric papers, references, and links, but ont of hte most notable was this article by Dr. Douglas A. Smith. Where Dr. Smith enlightened us and confirmed our beliefs that "All biopsychiatric treatments share a common mode of action -- the disruption of normal brain function" (Peter Breggin, M.D., Brain Disabling Treatments in Psychiatry, Springer Pub. Co., 1997, p. 3). Drugs never correct imbalances. They never improve the brain. They "work" by impairing the brain and dampening feelings in various ways." Again psychiatric medical treatments impair our life and merely subdue and bury our normal brain functioning; psychiatric medicines are NEVER productive.

The existence of all mental disorders is refuted here
. The most clarifying part of Mr. Stevens' article is the understanding that labeling someone with a mental disease is only saying that the labeler disapproves of the person's personal mentality. That's all mental disorders are. They don't exist as anything else other than a a sophisticated insult. They certainly do not insinuate the taking of medication, therapy, nor "healing" anymore than calling someone an "idiot" does.

Finally some reading that is "safe" to absorb because it propels a world view of which I have been such a fervent supporter, instigator, and communicator.

Also, this organization, The Truth about Psychology and Psychiatry, tied in with Mental Health Radio, is absolutely brilliant stuff.
You are never locked into your genes
Bruce Lipton, Ph.D has incredibly ground-breaking and empowering work in epigenetics. Where "his experiments, examining in great detail the molecular mechanisms by which cells process information, have revealed that genes do not in fact control our behavior, instead, genes are turned on and off by influences outside the cell." Drawing from his own studies and degrees with psychiatry on a first-hand basis, Jay Joseph's, Psy.D cornerstone book called the Gene Illusion shows how the psychiatric basis of genetics is easily challenged.

The mind-body concept was said to have been started by Dr. Larry Dossey, M.D. His sound wisdom and calculated practice is miraculously insightful and inspiring. Some key terms here are pygmalion effect and how conventional medicine chase the expectation of how students should behave in classrooms or how the status quo archetype of a human should behave. Allopathy, on the other hand, creates a healing solution based on an ideal, instead of chasing a fleeting expectation as conventional medicine does. There's a concept of readiness to change and willingness to change; you have to incorporate a lifestyle change (removed of drugs) to ultimately connect with your genuine existence.

Some relevant terms.

After growing up (barely) in a highly warped family nexus, I experienced the maddening Gregory Batesonian "double bind" phenomenon. Which is defined in the NLP dictionary as well as detailed here. Boy would I have loved to be a student of Dr. Robert David Laing. Unfortuantely, this brilliant Scottish psychiatrist past away when I was 6, but I completely and totally agree with his disbelief in the existence of the "mental illness". I am such a strong supporter of that belief and upon reading his bio, I felt as though I was reading many of my own ideas. For a very generalized view of how Democracy has ironically warped into a paradoxical entity undermining our personal freedoms, check out this video of the BBC The Trap, which includes interviews with Laing and Nash. The most astounding inteviews revealed how, specifically with schizophrenic patients, the pressure-cooker within the power and control of the family nexus perpetuates and actually manufactures symptoms of so-called disorders. Laing dissected the family nexuses with game theory.
Here's some footage.
Leonard Frank's harrowing account of insulin electro-shock therapy. This is so revolting. Franks, like anyone who interacts with psychiatry, was seriously physically and emotionally ABUSED by psychiatry. Abuse is an understatement, torture, is more relevant.
Finally, this is the epicenter, the culminating piece to this anti-psych post:
YES! I'm so happy about this. I'm so happy to see people who viciously hate psychiatry as much as I; it feels so restructuring to see people who've witnessed how corrupt and fraudulent all of psychiatry is; and to see that I am not alone in my total understanding that psychiatry does kill. It feels good to not be alone in my beliefs.
Some quick facts from the movie:
  • In the past 4 decades twice (2x) TWICE the number of people have died in government psychiatric hospitals than all World Wars since 1776 COMBINED! Where is the battle being fought, we should ask? Psychiatric hospitals need to not exist.
  • 6 million -- 6 MILLION! - American Children take prescribed psychiatric medication.
  • Psychiatrists think 1 Billion people have some mental illness.
  • $2 Trillion pumped into psychiatry. 0 cures. It's the biggest, most inhumane, and grossly violating scam possible.
  • 543 Million people have been prescribed psychiatric drugs.
  • "It's really tragic; It's awful. And it's being done for money. That's why it's being done."
  • "There is no reliability of diagnosis; it's just science. It's all just pseudoscience."
The corruption, evil, dark sinister fraudelence, and totally brutal inhumanity is much bigger than we think. The psychiatric industry needs to be boycotted or abolished or terrorized or made illegal; or all of the above. Psychiatrists are the dark-minded, malign Thought police who sit tucked away in their demonic corridors crafting new diseases and publishing them in papers.

This article from the NYT has got to be one of my favorites, called "Drug Approved. Is Disease Real?" Haha! That's great! It debunks, questions, and ridicules the existence of diseases. The article just reveals the entire pharmaceutical scam for what it is: a sham built on a sham of nebulous non-existent fictional diseases that do not exist!! That's my mantra baby! That's what I believe! I KNOW and UNDERSTAND that ALL those DSM psychiatric diseases DO NOT EXIST. Diseases =DNE. That's an error you get in programming and that's the error that should arise whenever anyone mentions a disease. Disease=DNE! Best news? The article is FRESH off the presses. It's January, 2008! The world is creeping up on psychiatry and it's going down. Big time! It's going down in a whimpering fire-ball of lying DSM manuals and deceitful pharmaceutical companies. I'm telling you. NOW is the time to INVEST in serious alternative medicine stocks. Psychiatry will not exist 50 year from now. The world will grow into its intelligent shoes and won't play dumb for much longer. And if you "own" for some god forsaken idiotic reason pharmaceutical stocks or something of the like (What? Are you a moron?) get rid of them ASAP. And if you're career is in psychiatry and/or pharmaceuticals? My obvious advice is change careers immediately. But, hey, some people "like sinking ships" for some reason. I personally, do not, which is why I'm going to be floating by with alternative medicine watching the cataclysmic hilarity as psychiatric and pharmaceutical professions -- entire careers -- plunge and sink! All while the alternative medicine, natural healing healing, flies HIGH big time. Now THAT's the remedy!

I can't describe how infuriating it is to discover that a loved one, or someone whom you thought was a loved one, believes that you have some disorder, when you know such "disorders" are part of a corporate-pharmaceutical-psychiatric scheme to make money. Unfortunately, for them, but anyone who encourages, practices, or endorses psychiatry, I automatically labelled a myopic imbecile; it's truly the only logical conclusion once your see the facts (of which psychiatry has none). Enron is a saint compared to psychiatry. All Enron did was just jumble a few accounting books, hurting the image, reputation, nor physiological health of no one. Psychiatry cannot say the same because it's sole profiteering mission is composed of more and more maliciously fabricated ways to destroy the image and reputation and shatter physiological health in people. PETA slaughtering animals and skinning them alive, while savagely repulsive, does not match the untamed cruelty of psychiatry.

Here's the clincher. Pharmaceuticals issued Heroin. Yes, the drug that has caused millions of deaths.

"From 1898 through to 1910 heroin was marketed as a non-addictive morphine substitute and cough medicine for children. Bayer marketed heroin as a cure for morphine addiction before it was discovered that heroin is converted to morphine when metabolized in the liver, and as such, "heroin" was basically only a quicker acting form of morphine. The company was somewhat embarrassed by this new finding and it became a historical blunder for Bayer.[9]"

Pharmaceuticals are legal drug pushers. That's pretty disturbing and extremely wrong. The case has lucidity and clarity. Drug companies, psychiatry, and the like kills.

Finally, the great, brilliant, talented and burgeoning actor, Heath Ledger: let's not forget how he died: "Mr. Heath Ledger died as the result of acute intoxication by the combined effects of oxycodone, hydrocodone, diazepam, temazepam, alprazolam and doxylamine."[13][15]" Psychiatric drugs. That's right. Psychiatric drugs kills talent, lives, souls, it's the most destructive evil in the West.

The solution is Eastern medicine, natural healing, balance with NLP, healthy diet, and solid intense exercise. We need to stop creating unhealthy schisms between our mind and body by terminating all western medicinal foul toxins and embracing the already-potent natural chemicals of the human endocrinology and natural exercise and the potency of natural whole food and nourishment!
There's only one valid type of medicine: positive nlp life-coaching and laughter.


Being "Thick" Ain't so Bad

Apparently the thickness of the somatosensory cortex of the brain corresponds to various diseases. Scientific evidence has shown that those with migraine headaches indicate a thicker somatosensory cortex. However, in contrast, a key component of autisum, multiple sclereosis, and Alzheimer's is a thin somatosensory cortex. Hey,while undeniably painful, at least those migraines I used to have are somewhat neurologically auspicious!

The Emergence of Spiritual Currency

Clearly, the increasing weakness of the dollar spiking the oil prices, and the Nikkei hitting an all-time low due to the decreasing value of the yen are directly, flat-out blatantly obvious, indications that Spiritual Currency is emerging...or that it already has emerged. I coined, founded, and first wrote about this paridigmatic shift almost two years ago late 2005, early 2006, and hints of this galvanizing and energizing phenomenon are finally on the rise. Donald Trumps, Bill Gateses -- investors of financial currency -- welcome to Hooverville. Investors in spiritual currency, welcome to paradisio, solvency, and wealth.

Equinoxes and Solstices

Earth's Inclination
Everyday would be an equinox (Latin's equinoxium, meaning "equality night and day") if it weren't for the earth's subtle inclination. An equinox, the moment when the sun is at it's zenith directly above (perpendicular to) the equator at noon is the opposite of a solstice (Latin's solstitium, meaning "the point where the sun stands still"), the moment when a sun is lowest in the sky (the most inclination north or south away from perpendicular) at noon. Obviously, each solstice occurs in a different hemisphere. In short, yes, the sun move's east to west daily, but it cycles north and south on an annual basis, with the winter solstice marking it's nadir - most southern location (commencing northern movement), and summer stolstic marking the zenith -most northern location. This diagram

is false, because it doesn't show the earth's inclination. The above diagram shows an earth with no solstices, all equinoxes. However, because of the earth's tilt and elliptical pattern (faster movement closest to the sun), the annual sun inclinations do occur, resulting in solstices, resulting in seasons.

Equinoxes and solstices each occur twice per year, so there are four equinox-or-solistice events per year, occurring roughly every three months (every season. Equinoxes occur spring and autumn (March and September), while solstices occur winter and summer (December and June).

Calendar Dates and Length of Days
  • December 22 -- Winter Solstice, Sun Heads North. (Longest Night)
  • March 22 -- Spring Equinox, Sun Heading North, Long days in North Pole, Equal night and day lengths at equator. (Length of Day = Length of Night)
  • June 22 -- Summer Solstice, Sun Heads South (Longest Day)
  • September 22 -- Autumnal Equinox, Sun heading South, Dark days (long nights) in North Pole, Equal night and day lengths at equator; Days start to get shorter. (Length of Day = Length of Night)

The earth rotates West to East, making the sun (and most all prograde planetary objects) "rise" East and set west.

Seasons usually directly follow an equinox or solstice because that marks the point when the sun is furthest or closest to the earth, resulting in a respective heat shift. A spring (or "vernal") equinox marks the point halfway between the sun's journey northward (the end of this journey, when the sun starts to head southward is the summer solstice, June 22) with longer days of sunlight at the north pole. The autumnal equinox marks long days of darkness at the north pole as the sun moves southward (after the summer solstice turning point). It's so interesting how linguistic ties in with science. If you understand latin roots, all these seemingly complex terms (vernal, equinox, solstice) all are very simple.

The Neutral Equinoxes and Extreme Solstices
The winter solstice occurs in the southern hemisphere, the summer solstice, in the northern. And the only difference between the two equinoxes (spring and autumn) is the direction the sun heads at each (northward at spring, and southward at autumn); both biannual equinoxes occur over the equator. Even though they occur on opposite ends of the calender (March and September), six months apart, Equinoxes (unlike Solstices) mark moments of identical equivalence in the sun's position, length of day and night, and temperature. In other words, while spring marks an increasing temperature, increase day length, and northward sun inclination increase (and fall marks a moment halfway through the decrease in those three variables), spring and autumnal equinox temperature (temperate, day length (12 hours), and inclination (0 degrees over equator) are the same! I, therefore, call equinoxes neutral zeniths, and solstices extreme events. So the day length equals the night length, the sun's location is the same (over the equator), Interestingly, you can look at any southward sun-movement as getting colder, while northward sun-movement as getting warmer in seasons. Thus, the months after winter, spring, and early summer are all northward-moving sun months, while, you guessed it, fall and winter months (July to December) are southward-moving sun months. This can be easily plugged into the Dalai Lama's ever-increasing path of happiness with neutrality, pain, and pleasure-inducers. The solstices mark apex or nadirs (immense pleasure or immense pain) of this ever-increasing path, while the equinoxes mark the line exactly at the x-axis, with y=0, or the neutral state.

The Significance of the Correlation between the Dalai Lama's Ever-Increasing Path and Equinox-Solstice Astronomical Events
There exist many interpretations. The most obvious (and boring) is that spring and autumn mark points of neutral mood, but getting, respectively, more joyful or more cranky and dismal. And winter and summer mark, respectively the extremes of immense pain and immense pleasure. But that's highly interpretative. If you're a skier, winter could be joyful, but the sunbather finds the summer solstice most enjoyable. Or the farmer could dread the autumnal equinox time causing the farmer to feel great pain, while everyone else experiences great neutrality. But, in the graph of (on the y axis) temperature, length of day, and Northward inclination of the sun over the equator, the equinox would most certainly mark the mid-way points, and the solstices would be the highs and lows of the oscillating graph. It's important to not that a graph of equinox and solstice activity with time plotted on the x would oscillate like a cosine function.

Proximity to Equator Increases, Rainfall Increases and Temperature Range Decreases
Another interesting, and obviously inverse, relationship is between distance from equator and the temperature-range v. annual total rainfall. Everyone knows that the close to the equator you get, the small the temperature range. On the equator (Mexico, Yucatan, Amazon) the annual temperature range fluctuates only a few degrees from 75 in the "winter" and 80 degrees in the "summer", while further away from the equator the temperature range increase, producing much more extreme temperature shifts. In Midwest USA, for example, the range is about 43 degrees, 30 in the winter and less than 80s in the summer, but the inverse is rainfall. Closer to the equator you get, small the temperature range, but larger than annual rainfall. With a 4 degree temperature range, average rainfall is like 103 inches. But with a location far away from the equator and a large temperature range (43 degrees, for example) annual rainfall is small (like 12 inches). Another example, in the arctic Circle (say near scandanavia), temperature range is about 74 deggres (-40-65)! However, personally, I like rain and I like minimum range annual temperature fluctuations set a a warm temperature, so there's no trade off at the tropics. Living at or near the equator is best for me because of huge personal taste for rain and consistent warmth!

Personal Relationship
I remember solstice being the ship, and I haven't pinpointed what an equinox is (car, obviously) but how that differs from the ship, I don't know. Equinox could be an apex of control and my thing, and solstice could be the opposite, a passenger, possibly. But I love the ocean. Helpful enough almost all the equinoxes and solstices occur around the 20th of their respective months (March, September or June or December). We're about a month away from the winter solstice on December 22, 2007.


The Present World with Past and Future Extracted Out of Space-time

From Einstein's Dreams. Interesting, the idyllic world of immediacy and the present moment with the past and future extracted out.

“Employees are not hired because of their resumes, but because of their good sense in interviews. Clerks trampled by their bosses fight back at each insult, with no fear for their future. It is a world of impulse. It is a world of sincerity. It is a world in which every word spoken speaks just to that moment, every glance given has only one meaning, each touch has no past or no future, each kiss is a kiss of immediacy.” (Lightman 32)

Lightman certainly paints a warm picture of a world with past and future “surgically removed” from space-time, but how could such a world go wry? Not in efforts to promote cynicism nor pessimism, but it only seems fair to consider the downsides of an “only present moment world”. What about unpleasant emotions. Would a minor “butterflies in the stomach” feel like overwhelming trepidation without knowledge that such nervousness will pass? Or would we, living only the present, never even experience doubt, fear, reluctance, or sadness in the first place?


Consecrated Congruence

If you engage guile about serious issues, you're also engaging apathy. Using guile facetiously is fun, clever, and amusing, but about serious pursuits, guile becomes deceptive and slaughters authenticity while emerging apathy. Apathy precludes any and all opportunities of congruence. Congruence, to some people like Carl Rogers, is literally consecrated. It's like sanctified. Congruence opens direct conduits for healthy, genuine exchange with people. We've got to engage economically-compassioante congruence. What this means is if someone's debilitating or creates disbelief of auspicious things or has inauspicious vibes, we should disavor congruence. Then if you respect a person AND they generate propitiously healthy belief fortitudes for you, cultivate congruence with those and only those people.


When Language Gets Sixes and Sevens

You have to really use your loaf or bread to speak cockney rhyming slang. I mean most people think driving their jam jar while talking to your china plate on the dog and bone is juggling, but cockney rhyming slang is more challenging than that, my dear china plate. Take a butcher's hook at the history and you'll discover that it was used to confuse non-locals or to create an inner communication to prevents others from knowing of what they're talking. Just look at the brass tacks, china plate, and do adam and eve me; it's all sixes and sevens hearing cockney rhyming slang, unless you know the interpretations, so here are some translations. A start :

1. Loaf of bread = head.

Now use your loaf!


Know and Deeply Understand What You Want

Perception is less than Reality: False Bifurcations: Know and Deeply Understand What You Want: The Formula for Bifurcation:

Establishing this an actual bifurcation is extremely essential to prosperity, happiness and the freedom of knowing what you want, getting what you desire and not experiencing the baggage of burdens, doubts, and uncertainties. Bifurcating is about commitment – relentless commitment, I should say.

When you truly commit and will devote every cell, ever second for the rest of your life to achieving what you want in life, you will get it. You will get it or perish. This is not a false bifurcation, but an actual bifurcation (see "False Bifurcations").

False Bifurcations

Purpose: The purpose of this illustrative section is to reveal to you the reality that what you think about a situation typically is a mere subset of the myriad privileges that exist in the reality of the situation.

When you truly commit and will devote every cell, ever second for the rest of your life to achieving what you want in life, you will get it. You will get it or perish. This is not a false bifurcation, but an actual bifurcation.

A bifurcation, by the way, is the standing point where only 2 outcomes, two options exist. Many times were are envision a scenario as being bifurcated, but, in reality, that situation is a false bifurcation. When we're at a stop sign on a one-way T-intersection most of us will falsely bifurcate. We see our only two options as stopping and turning right or stopping and continuing forward.

That stop sign scenario is an example of a fallacious bifurcation because, in reality, there exist MANY more options and choices than stop-turn-right and stop-and-continue. Here's the list of other possible options we have:

  1. Stop and Park after ther sign
  2. Park before the sign
  3. California stop and turn right
  4. California stop and continue forward
  5. Floor it and turn right
  6. Floor it and continue forward
  7. Pull the emergency break and just abandon the car in the middle of the road.

Clearly it's now blatantly obvious how incredibly erroneous our previous conjecture was. There exist atleast NINE options here when we originally "thought"—thought falsely – that there were only two. Now, granted, some of those options (5,6,7 namely) may not be to our best benefit if we want to avoid collisions and avoid breaking the law, but they still exist as options. 1 through 4 are four additional options that are equally legal and plausible as well.

You've been shown the secret of perception versus reality: that what you think about a situation typically functions as a mere subset of the myriad privileges that exist in the reality of the situation.

So take from this one thing: the knowledge, the FACT, that our perceptions of any incident, event, horizons, ambiton, dream, endeavor and or plan will almost always be LESS than the total options and/or choices we have in reality! Let's focus on then not on "options" for we have those in abundance! Let's focus on valid selectivity. Cultivating the capacity and the school to generate massively aligned skills in always selecting (and only "seeing") the valid choices and options out of the myriad alternatives we have abundantly presented to us in our life!


The Danger of "Why"

When we ask "why?" to a friend, we must carefully choose our intention so that it is only derived from a genuine source of energizing grace. "Why?" frequently can insinuate covert aggression, harbor anger destructively, and it can imply dubious lack of faith in a person. Why BLANK? Why not? Why ask why? You ask why because you need justification. You do not believe. If you didn't understand, you would ask "How?". How explains. Why adjudicates. Why is a question of judgment and as Kierkegaard pointed out, "when you label me, you negate me". Therefore, the judgemental inquisition of "Why", negates. Use "Why" with care my friend.

A better solution is to say openly, I don't believe in your idea, but if you could elaborate on your intention behind it, I might understand the perspective of your wisdom with great lucidity. Expanding judgments to the point where they become affirmations of acceptance, when done with sincerity and honesty, forms incredibly resilient bonds of trust and clarifying connection.

Wave Dynamics -- Surfer's Almanac: Swell and Wave Formation

Swell – Swells is long, oceanic surface waves, consistently formed by tropical storms and wind systems. A few fractions of a second difference in a wave, on the other side of the ocean, creates a totally different set of waves. Swell waves are often mixed with local chop “noise” waves.

Swell Size -- Swell waves are measured in “swell size” which is 33% of the largest wave in a set (trough to crest).

Fetch – The fetch is just the “un-wave” part of water. The larger the flat water (fetch) and the stronger the wind, the larger the wave will be. Shores that have inslands in front of them have a very short fetch (blocked), so smaller waves. The swell is generated by wind blowing consistently over a fetch.

Local Wind – too intense of a local wind will make the swell waves too choppy and unsurfable. Ideal is a slight offshore wind, that blows into the face of the wave, scooping them out even more!

Wave Formation – Imagine a pond and throw in a rock; ripples form with measurable size, distance, and speed. Now substitude ocean for pond and huge tropical storm for rock; that’s how waves are made.

Wind to Wave: Waves on a pond create little ripple indentations. Additionally, on the open ocean, small (or large) hurricanes create small wave indentations that form with other waves to form chop, then the chop forms with more chop to form, again, more wind waves, produce a full wave!

We want Swell Waves – Wind waves dissipate the farther away from their souce. Yes, they do! They will eventually peter out to water surface tension….unless they generated enough energy from the center of the storm or wind zone to create a swell. The swell’s energy can then carry that wind wave the entire circumference of the globe without energy or wave-size loss! Good deal!

Three Swell Factors:Okay, so Swell waves form with the combination of

1. large fetch (pointing towards your beach

2. Wind velocity (strong)

3. Duration (long time of wind blowing on the fetch

Ground Swell -- Considering those factors, basically storms create a lot of chop and swell. Eventually the swell “clears the chop” and becomes smoothed chop-free waves. NZ storms great swell that can travel 6000 miles, such magnificent swell is dubbed, “Ground Swell”.

Waves have longest periods first, then waves from the same swell days later will have shorter periods. For example, ground swell starts off Sydney’s coast and builds to hit SoCal. The swell has 24sec periods the first day with huge waves. Next day the waves are smaller, but closer together with a 20sec period; third day has 16sec periods, etc. The waves break closer and closer together! Remember a tropical storm is simply an awesome boulder chucked in a pond (the ocean) that creates gnarly sets!

Wave Sets A wave set is simply a wave group (that deep water traveling wave train of 3-15 waves) that has hit shallow water.

Number of Waves in a set = 3-15 (for long distance fetches)

Number of waves in set from a local (1000- miiles) source = 1-3 (less organized because less time for the wave groups to form)

If there’s a large distant storm and a local one, you could get intermittent 1-3 wave sets every 5-10 minutes and then a huge 3-15 wave set every 40-minutes, for example. There’s LOTs of stuff always going on in the ocean.

A “shallow-water wave group” IS a wave set! They appear as often as every few minutes to every half hour depending how long the waves traveled to reach the shore. The longer the waves travel, the better the organization, and greater consistency. So, if a storm caused a deep water wave group to travel 5000 miles to hit your california shore, the wave sets would be incredibly organized and reliable because of the distance they covered (that “refining time”). Obviously in shallow water, individual waves of wave groups don’t phase out/phase in, so you can actually surf them and they won’t dissappear (sometimes they do) but a true wave set are waves that all break, if they don’t it’s just chop, likely.

Wave Groups – As waves span out from the fetch that created them, the large waves move in the direction of the wind (the wind helps them, instead of goes against those “with the wind” waves). Then after awhile, the waves that are moving in the same pace in the same direction, form groups of about (3-15+ waves). The further away from the original fetch and deep water source (like thousands of miles away), the more defined the wave group gets.

Set Frequency.

Okay, so a huge storm breaks out in New Zealand. It takes a wave group to travel 6000 miles from that souther hemisphere to California and approx imately 200-300 hours depending on the wave period. But the interesting part is exponential growth of time. For example, say an 18sec and 17.95sec period wave group starts at that souther hem. Site (6000 miles away). Therefore, the further away the deep water source (storm for example) the more temporally spread out the sets will be. If the source is from a fetch only 1000 miles away, the .05 second difference only pans out to being a few minutes, instead of 40 with the 6000 mile distance covered.

Individual wave size in the wave group.

What’s VERY cool is in the physics of deep water wave propogation, in a wave group (say of 10 waves), all the waves change places, move forward, etc, but the middle waves are always the largest and the end and front waves always the smallest! Any wave that moves to the middle of the wave group gets big!. Another theory behind this is multiple wave trains overlap and it appears like some waves grow but it’s just mingling with the other wave train, a less eloquent theory than the physics, assembly-line middle waves always biggest ideology.

Individual wave movement and Speed in a group. Individual waves (within the group) move twice as fast as the group! However, when those 2x-faster moving individual waves reach the front of the wave group, they get pulled back, so it’s 2 steps forward, 1 step back with the wave group and individual wave dynamic. Determing the speed of an individual wave is simple (3 x (period))

3 x Period = Indiiviual wave speed

So if a period is 20 seconds, the individual wave is moving 60 knots/hr!

However when the wave group becomes a wave set (and hits shallow water) the wave set moves at the speed of the group (half that of the 2x as fast individual waves) so that wave set would be 30 knots per hour.

Traveling Fetch – Sometimes the storm can be moving in the direction of the chop so the waves for, say, 2000 miles beome well-formed sets, but they’re constantly being overtaken and regenerated by waves from the storm immediately behind it, making big waves that accumulate onto each other. There are only a few places open to thousands of open ocean positioned near the tracks of winter storms: NW USA, Chile/Peru, W Australia, and S.Europe. A “traveling fetch” phenomenon to some degree occurs with every fetch, but the waves in front are always bigger than the waves after the storm because of the traveling fetch “wave booster” phenomenon. The “virtual fetch” is just sets with 12 hour intervals, a “pseudo fetch”, but the traveling fetch produces massive waves. Now when you look at the totally gnarly conditions for any Maverick's surf contest, a director of the contest (Spansler, apparently, uses government satellites -- a good use of those orbitting bits of technology -- to predict these wave condtions) says, “We search for a big storm way off in the North Pacific, out past the international date line" (NYT). “That’s the best cradle for a Mavericks swell. Waves start their lives as wind. The longer and stronger gales blow in the same direction, the larger and more powerful the seas that result” (NYT). The technology used to wire into surf conditions to make Mavericks great is so high-tech. Mavericks competition coordinators use those government satellites as well as a Quickstat and Jason-1 satellite matrix to get water undalations, and surface data up to 3.3 cm over the ocean! It's like a lot of high-tech advancements in science and technology are plugged-in and utlized for this surf contest! So pre-condition for any Maverick's surf contest is that the wave's origin must be a storm PAST the international date line. Can you imagine that fetch! To put this in perspective, Hawaii is BEFORE the international date line. So the CLOSEST source of a storm to meet the Maverick's surf contest preconditions would be New Zealand. Even if it's that "close", you're still looking at a killer 5000-6000 mile fetch (NZ is 6000 miles from the US, but it's slightly south of due west of the International date line along the same latitudes as the U.S.). Can you imagine that! This surf contest is ENGINEERED to produce EPIC surf! Sweet!

Measuring Waves: Height and Period A typical report is 6 ft @ 17 seconds, which means the wave heigh (trough to crest) is 6 ft for 33% of the largest waves and they occur every 17 seconds.

Heighttrough (front wave barrel bottom) to crest (top of unbroken wave. This is for the largest 1/3 (33%) of all waves.

Period – he amount of time it takes for two wave crests to past a specific point. There are two forms of measuring data presented as “Significant Seas” and “Swell data. For surfing, Swell data is the most reliable because, “significant seas” don’t even exist from a surfing (shore only perspective), it’s for boats, we want surf, so “Swell data” it is.

Significant Seas The Square root of the sum of the squares of all wave energy. A 5 ft swell from S and a 3 ft swell is 6 ft sees, but this isn’t practical for surfing. And will always be an overstatement of wavesize. Surfers ride one wave and if two swells of 3 ft each approach that’s the wave height. Sig. Seas would overstate wave height as 4 or 5 ft. But at sea in a boat, Sig. Seas are, obviously, very important. The largest wave in any given day will likely be the Sig. Sea height. In other words, if Sig. Seas says height is 8 ft. and swell data says 5 ft. you won’t see a 9 ft. wave and if you see an 8 ft wave, catch it! That’s the wave of the day!

Swell Window -- This is just the range a beach has for receiving waves. If a land mass is immediately north and directly south, it would have a swell window of 90 degres to 180 degrees or only 90 degrees. CA has a swell window (where islands don’t block the surf) of about 180 degrees sometimes.

Great Circles – bSwells travel away from their source on Great Cicle pathes or routes. If wind is blowing parrallel to your Great Circle path (connecting to your beach), then you could have a swell because that means no chop would break up swells traveling along the fetch of your Great Circle path. In short, Wind bloing parallel to a Great Circle path parrallel to your beach is a GOOD thing for good swell size. Additionally, remember that great circle paths curv and are not always perpendicular to the beach. For example, believe it or not. Southern Australian is on the great circle path for south california even though their in opposite Northern and Southern Hemispheres! Theoretically a storm near India could follow the great circle path to southern california if wind kept blowing parallel to the path, but this is very unlikely (because it’s probably 8000 miles), but totally possible.

Directional Spectrum – In ocean reality, swell waves may come from a variety of different directions. There may be 5ft @20 secs from the south and 2 ft @10 seconds from the north ,for exampl.e A directional spectrum depicts the period, direction, and density of all waves present at a fixed space and set period of time. IT’s produced by buoys with height, period, and direction sensors installed. In short, if you want to know the heigh, direction, and period of all waves at a point from all direction (from all swells), the directional spectrum does that. Sweet!

Spectral density just shows the relative wave energy present at all frequency periods for a fixed space and fixed time interval.

Storm and Fetch – Most storms (other than hurricanes) follow the jet stream west to east at about 20-30 knots.

Period Length effects Wave Depth and Strength

A wave train that has significant period (like 15 seconds or more) has enough momentum that it will lose little or zero energy, size, or speed, while traveling thousands of miles until reaching land and breaking! The reason for this is a wave with a period (wavelength) of 15+ seconds means that all fo the energy is travelling DEEP under the ocean surface (the wave crest is literally the tip of the iceberg of the entire wave. The actual wave you see on the surface is about 5% of the massive deep water wave! Example: A 14 second period reaches down into the ocean 516 ft. and a 20-second period reaches down 1053ft! Opposing wind or other things (other than shallow water) would have a VERY little impact on a 1053ft underwater wave! Even an opposing wind wave wit ha 7-second period (reaching down 129 ft) wouldn’t even effect a 20-second period 1053ft wave! Actually even different period (or same period) lenghted wave trains don’t effect each other and neither can wind. The only thing that impacts wave trains other than shallow water, where they break, is surface tension (the stuff bugs use to float on water). But still it’s tonly the short-period wave trains that are susceptible to surface tension decaying the wave.


Orwell is living large here (atleast in China) and Now

Chinese government apparently is banning -- yes, like Newspeak, Doublespeak, Though Police style -- words like "foxy lady" claiming they're "too seductive" and inappropriate. I've wandered if anyone whose grown up with strong language controls has difficulty "thinking out of the box' or becoming aware of their cognitive boxes. This exposes yet another reason why diversifying your extravagant vocabulary and utilizing an incessantly expanding diction is not a form of "showing off" or "impression" but an avenue to cognitive freedom for you. How you communicate defines how you think. The person who communicates with more words, therefore, has more tools to think, and, therefore, can always manufacture the most options. The person who uses a grandly rich vocabulary always experiences tremendous emotional and cognitive liberty, choice, success, and happiness.

The 4 Steps to the Seduction Process

DISCLAIMER: Quality seduction -- authentic seduction -- is not about exploitation, but, rather, fulfillmnet. The seduced are left with realized desires and long-kept fantasies are brought to the surface. Genuine seduction, therefore is a form of life empowerment, leaving one with new and expanded horizons.

  1. Seduction fulfills the consciously unacknowledged need or craving -- seduction listens to the unspoken desire. Everyone has psyche gaps and cravings.
  2. Your inner voice needs air to breathe. That inner voice frequently lusts out and is always lurking beneath the surface of your psyche.While you pine away talking about, for example, your pampered, comfortable childhood, your inner voice squirms and twitches for something esoteric, wild, and forbidden. We constantly give subconscious signals as to what we lack.
  3. The essence of the seduction process, therefore, involves deciphering and psychological cryptology. We conciously and unconsciously conceal and disguise our desires and lacks.
  4. Mastering this principle will provide you with 2 things: 1)The ability to clearly see desires in others and 2)The ability to continue providing for others without reverting to selfishness. Don't assume others want what you want and lack what you lack

1. Everyone has psyche gaps and cravings.

If we didnt' have psychich gaps and complex cravings all of our "human code", our inner workings would be in a database. We would be automatons without hidden, psychic mystery. What's an example of something that interacts with humans and can "appear" like it makes choices, but has zero unknown cravings and unkowns. Only computer programs have no hidden gaps and cravings. Fortunately, humans each have our own millions of lines of "code" detailing our own inner cravings and no one is aware of that code themselves and others never see all of it. That's what makes us human. Seduction, therefore, is a bit of programming and deciphering, and clarifying. It's really just clarifying these desires people purpsoefully or unconsciously neglect. Seduction fulfills the consciously unacknowledged need or craving -- seduction listens to the unspoken desire.

2. We constantly give subconscious signals as to what we lack.

Everyone has a voice. They use this normal voice to speak to a friend, to order pizza, th tell the cabby where they're going. But everyone also has an inner voice. Unless you're a musician, successful author or speaker, you likely have this voice still deeply buried in your life. It needs air to breathe. That inner voice frequently lusts out and is always lurking beneath the surface of your psyche. Do you always have a demanding "normal voice". If you're always demanding, what prevents you from serving? If you're constantly focusing on beauty and physical appearance, your inner voice longs for intellectualization. While you pine away talking about, for example, your pampered, comfortable childhood, your inner voice squirms and twitches for something esoteric, wild, and forbidden. The more you desensitize yourself to your own inner cravings (by fulfilling them, so you actually become more interested in others having fully fulfilled yourself), the more obvious the inner voice of others will become!

3. We conciously and unconsciously conceal and disguise our desires and lacks.

When you understand that you, I, them, her, he -- all of us -- are only half aware of our little quirks, desires, wants, lacks, and cravings and deliberately try to hide some and unconsciously hide others, we begin to understand how much of a puzzling mystery the whole seduction process becomes. No one has a huge sign on them that says "To seduce me, follow A, B, and C. And then...". The essence of the seduction process, therefore, involves deciphering and psychological cryptology. Proper seduction involves thorough scrutiny of the person's past romances, their homes, their belongings, what do they like to listen to, what time of the day are they most aroused? do they have routines? or do they thrive in spontaneity? All of these personality quirks and answers to those questions lie embedded in the messages of their clothes, appearance, phrases, past stories, and homes. They, themselves, may not even be consciously aware of some of the desires you envision. One of the best film adaptations of the most master-mind seduction artist I have ever seen was Val Kilmer in the movie "The Saint". He played a woeful heart-torn poet, he wooed Elizabeth Shue's character with nobility and depravity and creativity and turmoil. The Rescuer constantly needs to help other's problems, if you constantly have problems in life, the Rescuer will be drawn to you. Again, we all have our little decipherings that formulate our subtle interests and desires and social needs.

4. Don't assume others want what you want and lack what you lack.

This last principle is essential. Mastering this principle will provide you with 2 things: 1)The ability to clearly see desires in others and 2)The ability to continue providing for others without reverting to selfishness. Most of us fail at seduction because we are unable to escape the prisms of our own mind, our own desires and lacks. If you've been pampered your whole life, you assume everyone wants wild adventure, too. If you're prude and "above" romance, you assume everyone else is more interested in style and fashion, too. If you obsess intellectually and yearn for physical intimacy, you assume everyone has the same craving. Those three examples are all erroneous! Do not create those assumptions. Secondly, when we cease assuming others want what we want, we will have greater awareness of a person's ability to actually provide what we want! If you're seducing a a seductee who has numerous exotic fetishes, and you just want a simple long relationship, you'll realize that you may not get what you want out of such a relationship right away. Knowing that, predicting the outcome, can assuage unpleasant emotions and provide your sense of knowing with greater trust. You'll trust your ability to foretell what the other person lacks and, resultingly, you'll acquire more and more confidence in your ability to provide that vacancy for the person.


Funky Weather: Squalls, Virga, and Microbursts

Virga -- Whenever any form of precipitation (rain, sleet, snow, hail) forms, but then evaporates before reaching the earth, it is called virga. Virga is a common characteristic of microbursts.

Microbursts -- A microburst is the complete opposite of a tornado. A tornado consists of convergent upward funnelling winds, while a microburst consists of divergent downward-motion winds. While the wind direction and flow is the complete opposite of a tornado, from afar, the two look quite similar. Microbursts is a type of downburst, but more localized than large-coverage wind shear.

Squall -- A squall is simply a drastic, abrupt increase in wind velocity in the midst of a storm; it's a non-sustained surge in wind speed. They primarily occur away from strong mid-level height falls or mid-level tropospheric cooling because those regions frequently have strong upward wind motions, minimizing the potential for a squalls abrupt downward wind burst.

White Squall -- Combine a microburst with squall phenomenon, while at sea, and you get a white squall. A white squall is a violent windstorm that emerges out of nowhere, providing no "black cloud" warning. The white-capped waves and broken water, are the key characteristics of a white squall. They're mainly considered to be myth, but many sea tragedies have been attributed to these intense nautical microbursts.

Fundamentals rm,cp,mv to Advanced

In order to manipulate the cool (mdesg, modprobe, cat /etc/fstab) commands you must have the basic, most fundamental (the "boring":) file manipulation commands down pat. You use all the boring commands to manipulate files and dirs with the more advanced "cool" commands, so I've taken the time to lay some fundamental understanding of essential shell commands. This may seem slow, boring, and obvious, but I can't tell you how encouraging it is to be tweaking some advanced system root file and then feel "at home" with some essential commands. For example, you could be tweak /etc/fstab and be fiddling with obscure device ids you know nothing about and then then suddenly realize, "Hey, I can just COPY the file" and then whip out the reliable, trusty old cp command. You'll never learn the new exciting stuff untill you feel "at home" with atleast a few of the most fundamental commands.

These commands in GNU/Linux/Ubuntu (as well as most all other unix-like OS) offer a tremendously refreshing degree of simplicity in regards to working with files in the shell (with the case of Ubuntu, the awesome BASH shell). In other shells (like DOS) or guis you typically need the following fundamental commands to manipulate the essentials of files:

copy files
move files
rename files
delete files
delete directories

BASH (and Ubuntu), therefore, can do all the above with only the following commands

cp -- copy files
mv -- move files, rename files
rm -- delete files, delete directories

See the simplicity! Half the number of commands, same amount of accessible operations!

Specifically, here are the ways to manipulate files with the above three commands

copy files -- cp // results = 2+ filename // -r copies entire directory and sub-dir contents
move files -- mv // results = 1+ filename // -r moves entire directory and sub-dir contents
rename files -- mv // results = 2+ files //
delete files -- rm // result = 0 filename // -f delete without confirmation
delete dirs -- rm -r //results 0 directoryname // -f delete without confirmation

So, know understanding and have practiced with (ahem) these three commands (cp, mv, and rm) and their 5 specific implementations (copy, move, rename, delete files, delete dirs) you can build from this fundamental understanding to comprehend more advanced shell commands.

The theory here is the same "method" you used to understand these (boring) fundamental commands will be the same method to learn the more advanced fun commands. So the purpose with these three commands is not so much to learn the commands (although you must do that), but rather to acquaint yourself with how you learn new commands, so that adapting to and picking up more advanced commands will seem familiar!

Mounting File Systems Recipe
Ingredients for Mounting File Systems
vol_id -u /dev/devicename
gedit /etc/fstab
sudo mkdir /media/mountpointname

Sound Tweaking Systems Recipe
lspci -v
aplay -l
sudo gedit etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base
cat /proc/asound/card0/codec\#* -- codec informaiton and address

My info:
Codec: SigmaTel STAC9200

Default system beek Works. Only with
these parameteres

Panel Sound says "No Volume control Gstreamer plugins found"

alsamixer, aplay do not work

Sound control panel
playback: STAC92xx Analog (not connected)
playback music:STAC92xx (Not Connectioned)
audio confere playback: Autodetect
audi Capture: ALSA
Device: No options
No options


Fascinating Medical Terminology

3 Dimensions divide any bilaterally-symmetrical organism's body into three distinct planes with three axes.

Bodily Axes
  1. AP/VD: AnteroPosterior (Front to Back); Coronal, Y-Z, x-axis.
    1. In Vertebrates, Antero-Posterior = Ventral-Dorsal or RostroCaudal, beak (rostral) to tail (caudal)
  2. DS: Lateral (Dextro-Sinistral Axis)-- Right (dexter) to Left (sinister); Sagittal, X-Z, y-axis
    1. Vertebrates and humans have identical laterial axes
  3. SI/Superior-Inferior Axis (Head to Feet); Transverse, X-Y, z-axis
    1. In Vertebrates, Superior-Inferior = Anterior-Posterior (careful, a bit confusing!)
Vertebrates use the same axis, head-to-feet, left-to-right, and front-to-back, but they're on all fours so obviously, the front and back IS head-to-feet and front and back are not forward and backward as with bipeds, but bottom (ventral) to back (dorsal). Good note, vertebrates have no "superior" becomes on all fours, head becomes anterior.

Extrapolation. So if you bonk your head (superior) and have to crawl on all fours for your classes, your head (superior) becomes your anterior and your butt stays posterior (or more technically turns caudal, as in "tail")! Your butt is posterior for vertebrates and bipeds a like! Then your stomach (previously anterior) becomes ventral and your back (formerly posterior) becomes dorsal. Then let's say you do some crazy yoga pose with your left hand extened high in the air, but are rotated sideways on your inclined outstretched legs (you torso twist). Then your left hand becomes superior (or dorsal), while your right hand is ventral, your chest to back becomes lateral and your head to feet are anterior-posterior!

Bodily Planes

The bodily axis are totally warped, viewed from a person's head lying horizontally, on his side, so
  • Coronal Plane: Anteroposterior is X-axis
  • Sagittal Plane: Lateral is Y-axis
  • Transverse Plane: SuperiorInferior is Z-axis
But that's not that important, the more important thing is the planes created in those three areas by each axis. The important thing is the three planes that are created based on each axis. Lateral axis creates sagittal plane, superior-inferior axis creates the transverse and the anteroposterior axis creates the coronal (front-facing) plane. A great memory key is sagittal comes from "like an arrow" in reference to how the spine is like an arrow dividing the body and divides the body into lateral halves.

  • Superficial-Visceral -- Surface-level and Inner Organs.
  • Proximodistal Axis -- Close to torso (proximal), away from torso (distal).

Thus, you could say, with respect to my torso, my proximal limbs (shoulder, thigh) all get great blood flow, but my distal appendages (fingers and toes) frequently get low blood circulation and can fall asleep!

Common Denominator: PDK

Alas, I cannot speak from the "literary front lines" of PDK as I have not read Androids nor Scanner, but have seen both film interpretations (Blade Runner and linklater's). If I ever get around to reading PDK amidst the hundreds of other books on the to-read list, I think I'll like Scanner the best, it was written almost 10 years later, maybe his writing craft more honed, but I didn't realize how PDK owns (or net speack pwns!) the book-to-sci-fi-film area. He wrote minority report, too? So that's scanner, minority, blade runner, total recall, paycheck-- pretty big sci-fi selection. Sure, asimov set in motion the robot movies, but that's only really "one big movie" (just a bunch of remakes, bicentennial man and i,robot some of the most recent). PKD spawned Totally unique films from his books.

Total Recall and Blade Runner are some of THE most epic film sci-fi renditions (save 2001). I loved all those movies, and gravitated to all of them, but only just now discovered that the common vein between total recall, blade, scanner, paycheck, and yes, even screamers was PKD. I've seen all of those movied and loved all of them and only just realized the common denominator is PDK. far out! That's like doing problems over and over and then abstracting out to see a larger, framework formula. cool!

And talk about prolific. Prolific is an understatement for this guy. 121 published short stories and dozens of published books, nine of which were turned into Sci-Fi movies!!! Who else has done that? What other writer has achieved that much book to film coverage? Dickens? Not really, his works get clumped in that 18th century pile of the same flicks. It's shocking at how unique all of PKD's works are. Almost like multiple authors (or a multiple-brained single author) wrote the wide-ranging complex variety of works!

It's amazing how differently we watch movies versus read books. For example, with movies I'm doing NLP, watching the actors not the characters, reading body language. Actors cannot be ambassadors of the story because they have their own filtrations and perceptive distortions. Only when I read fiction do I actually learn the character names and get immersed in the plot! How can an actor accurately perceive my perspective of reality based on his or her own experiences. Moreso, the directly influences the audience with already a strong frame. By the time you watch the movie, there's so little room for interpretation and creating your own frame, you can't even breath! Books have MUCH more space for you to play to exert your own frame, of interpration. Then there are those who have such a strong frame, even a book feels confining, those people need a blank page. We call them authors. Authors, those who use their frame to create, beyond persuade or influence, actually create! But we can all live as authors of our homes or health or faith or "personal religion" or profession. Designing from our own frame, our own perceptive reality establishes indelible personal freedom! For that reason alone, I have written so much (5 books, 3 blogs, 1 monthly column-thingy) already!

Some more of those simulacrum illusion-over-reality references:
Linklater -- Scanner Darkly, Waking Life
PKD -- Paycheck, Scanner Darkly,
Wachowski -- The Matrix
Baudrillard -- the map is not the territory
Donnie Darko
The Illusionist
The Machinist -- severe denial causes hallucinations

Some Examples that "come close" and are still fascinating
H2G2 -- doesn't warp reality just exists IN a warped reality!
Gattaca, was control not illusion
The Usual Suspects was manipulation and deceit and seduction but not reality-distortion
Pedro Calderon de la Barca -- Life is but a dream

Great Duality Books and FilmsBlogger: Validate Your Life: Intention Exchange - Edit Post "Common Denominator: PDK"
  1. The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Robert Louis Stevenson -- RLS's classic epic masterpiece; a strange elixer-potion-tonic transforms a respectable, calculated man into a wild doppleganger of evil
    1. Henry Jekyll & Edward Hyde
  2. A Scanner Darkly, Phillip K. Dick -- two competing cerebral hemispheres "forget" each is leading a different life.
    1. Fred Agent & Bob Arcter
  3. The Machinist -- sever denial causes hallucinations
    1. Trevor Reznik &Ivan
  4. Fight Club -- schizophrenic man leads "two lives"
    1. The Narrator & Tyler Durden
  5. The Double, Fyodor Dostoevsky
    1. Golyadkin Sr. & Golyadkin Jr.
  6. The Number 23
    1. The Protagonist and Book Author
  7. ljlkj
  8. ljk
In all of these examples, although both identities are from the same split-person, the second identity represents the nascent, intimidating, "abusive", usurping, "bad", typically sinister half (ex. Hyde, Durden, Goyadkin Jr. etc.)
-- John


Parralax, Retrograde, all that Visual Brew-Ha-Ha

Parralax -- okaya parralax is the "apparent" (But not actual) movement of an object visually because of the REAL movement of the observer. Most common is the STellar parralax where a very distant (millions of miles) star appears to move, but realy it's the earth orbitting annually revolving around the sun that creates the impression of the star moving, a parallax. A large parralax angle means the star is closer. the farther away a star is (or an object is )from the observer, then the smaller the parralax angle (The smaller amount of shifter that occurs on the visual spectrum. A sundial is a perfect eample of a natural parralx (the dial moves (attached to the earth taht moves) creating hte impression that hte shadow moves. Just bottom-line, the observer (earth, or dial, or whatever) moves creating the impression that a distant objects moves. The closer the object, the larger the parallax angle.

Another well known parallax is the mercury retrograde. Note: this is mercury's apparent (not real) retrograde, that said, all apparent retrograde is really just a parallax effect. Mercury or Mars does not actually move backwards in the orbit. The earth just loops back around the sun so the vision the sun casts (From the earth) makes it look like it flips back the other way, In short, whenever the earth gets horizontal with a planet(it hten goes diagonal, given different rates of revoltion), the the parralax fliparound retrograde effect occurs.


Tips for Staying Healthy and Consistent Weight

The big tip here revolves around the fact that we can plan our meals and stay focused and eat our "prescribed" health food as much as we want. We've all tried the diets. The problem is when those diets collapse, our temptation resistance caves, and we lunge for the nearest bag of junk food. The best way to overcome this, simply, is to NOT do diets! Diets never work. No one "likes" diets long enough to stay on them. You can't cut corners; you have to go the hard route and find a nutritional set of foods that are simultaneously enjoyable and healthy.

HUGE Tip: Most importantly, litter your kitchen with snack food, but healthy snack food (cut up pineapple, salads, dried nuts) so when you get an uncontrollable urge for food, you wolf down something healthy and then don't guilt-trip yourself, and prevent a downward spiral.

Consistent Workouts
Working out for the sake of exercise and not some reward is the key to consistent workouts. I've seen runners reward themselves with breakfast or a donut or some food after a workout. I've seen people do cardio workouts just yearning to take off those 5 pounds. Losing pounds and food rewards make poor reinforcement. Why? Because then you begin to obsess about the pounds and the food reward! Diets never work because a few pounds become an obsession, a huge victory! You end up limiting yourself by turning a molehill into a mountain. Did you know that some marathon runners can lose 12 pounds in 2 hours (the length of their race)? 12 pounds in two hours! Then there's dieters jumping for joy if they lose 5 pounds in two weeks! Although this is physiologically impossible, for the sake of mathematics, at the same loss-rate of 12 pounds/2hours, in 2 weeks, a marathoner could lose 2,016 pounds, while you're losing 5! Of course, yes, yes, we know that's physiologically impossible, but just think of those marathoners that lose weight at rate 40,320% faster than the 5 pounds/week people! The purpose of all this is to show that when you don't focus on losing weight, you're more likely to have control of your weight and to have success with your body-mass goals; A watched pot never boils, remember, an watched weight is never lost!

Stretch. Period. Stretch. Yoga. Body Alignment. Anything you do that gets you closer to knowing your own physiology. There have been numerous studies showing how excessive malnourished eating is derived from stress. Furthermore, combined studies have shown that after sitting at a computer desk for hours on end and some of the other societally-warped behaviors in which we participate, some of our own muscles and tendons become strained and created inner tension. For example, your sternocleidomastoid (neck muscle) may become tight causing you to strain to simple stand upright. That additional strain creates stress and causes you to over-eat. Stretching will help reduce stress, align your body, and get you more in touch with your own physiology. You'll feel more conscious of what you eat and have less of an inclination to shove junk food in your system.

I stretch before and, more vigorously, after workouts. Your body is warmed up after a workout and you can extend your flexibility with the increased limberness. But it's shocking how much more control you have over your appetite with a stretching routine. Your body ceases to feel like an amorphous mass as you become acquainted with the delicate and highly precise alignment of 206 bones, over 300 muscles, and hundreds of ligaments and joints. Stretching is the number one way to achieve body mastery.

Bottom-line Question: Have you ever seen a fat gymnast? Point taken.


Sprinkle People

I like to include everything in a single email, but wanted to add this:
I am definitely the "imprisoned celebrity", "land-locked-soulseeker" , now.

There is a key and completely essential distinguishing characteristic between financial currency and spiritual currency: you survive with financial currency, but you truly live with spiritual currency. This is not saying to discard financial currency because clearly, without basic survival needs you would be suffering. But so few people ever actually truly live - live their dreams, access their potential, and enjoy the articulation of their talents. A psychologist Maslow came up with the idea of self-realization, realizing your highest potential. In his analysis he defined things called D-needs, or deficit needs, that were basic buildings blocks need to construct a platform from which you could start your self-actualization process. The basic physiological health (food, nutrition, sleep, 98.6°F body temp.), only get you to the starting point from which you can start the self-realization process. To plug in financial currency and spiritual currency, you need financial currency to fulfill those deficit needs - the basic survival needs - so that you arrive at the oasis of self-realizations from which you can use spiritual currency to truly access and activate your dreams. To use an example, if the exploration of outer space our galaxy, solar system, and universe is truly living your life and discovering your dreams, which you do with spiritual currency, then breaking the surface of the earth's atmosphere is the purpose and the limit of financial currency.
But that's precisely the problem and the benefit of spiritual currency. So few people make it to the surface - fully satisfy all their deficit needs - and what's worse is that those few who are fully "surviving" - that is have all their basic necessities - rarely even consider trying to pursue the dreams with spiritual currency. Or the reverse happens, someone is adamant about spending spiritual currency, but they lack the survival necessities to break the surface. If they had enough financial currency to generate the necessary survival needs (food, health, loved ones, shelter, etc.), their mastery of spiritual currency would propel them far into uncharted "depths of their galaxy of dreams and potential". The person who grasps financial currency but either neglects, is unaware, or simply is afraid or lazy of exploring life and using spiritual currency is the "Comfortable Obdurate". That person is stubbornly only comfortable with their basic survival needs. The person who has the mastery, motivation, courage, and knowledge of spiritual energy to truly realize his or her dreams but lacks the financial currency understanding or resources to get to the plateau of self-realization, is the "Land-locked soul-seeker" or the "Imprisoned Celebrity". This person seeks his soul but is land-locked by absence of financial currency awareness, or the person has the aspirations and dreams and no how to truly spiritually aligned and even famous, but they are imprisoned by their lack of financial currency and survival needs. This person is going incessantly going spiritually 60 mph in neutral.
The mastery of financial currency and awareness, courage, and knowledge of spiritual currency is the key to success in life. Those two "economies" are massive concepts, but comprehending and fulfilling them is, most certainly the simplest way to life fully. Understand and master those two areas and you will not only be successful to the world, but successful to yourself because your accomplishments will generate so much personal satisfaction, compassion, joy, sense of achievement, and happiness having grown from your creative, rich essence.

Another interesting realization I've had is that relationships are NEVER black-and-white, they're all grey area. Women are attracted to strong men, but then like to control them to assert their feminine power, but then are no longer attracted to them if they succeed in the satisfying display of feminine power. Or, some men are attracted to manipulative women, but then are simultaneously confused and repulsed by her trickery. That's all grey area. I think it's important to look at ALL relationships, because of the inherent grey area, as "no big deal". Anytime you try to stamp black-and-white confienements, or demands, or rules, or contracts on a human relationship you either restrict humanity or set yourself up for a whole hellish heap of confusion and shattered hopes. That's why relationships should be fun and nothing more. They must not be "vessels" of hope, nor time-vaults for safe-keeping. I know many people who've invested their valuable time (and money) in relationships expecting the relationship to "keep it safe". Ha! Then the "relationship" runs off with another partner or splurges on an expensive car. Relationships are fun trifles and should be treates as thus and nothing more. "Only you can create peace with the triumph of principles," writes Emerson. I'm finally understanding that. You have to invest in YOU, in your principles, in your beliefs, and make that the first and foremost thing in life. Then relationships are the sprinkles on top.

I, like many others, have made the blunderingly difficult and stupid maneuver, of treating relationships like the epicenter of my life' focus. Treating a relationship like its the keystone of your life is like trying to build a bridge on quicksand, or about as intelligent as taking your wieght only after thanskgiving or after running a marathon -- you set yourself up for inaccuracy and work from inherently shaky ground. The keystone of your life (if such a thing exists, which it doesn't) must revolve around you. The only ground you control is your own, the terrain of your own principles, so, therefore, yourself is the only "building place" worthy of utilizing as a foundation. Any other resource -- a relationship, a friendship, a business connection, involves someone else's principles, someone else's unpredictability, and, therefore, those "foundations" are plausible unstable. Again, the only foundation is yourself. Business affiliates, relationships, even intimate lovers are all sprinkles in life.

What happens when we externally cling and grasp and turn relationships into keystones?
We downward spiral. A relationship hits a bump and we scream out in the night, ask "why me?" constantly, pray to God for faith, and bathe in a murky, dark, illusion called self-denial. In denying our downward spiral, we grasp on to more relationships, beckoning out to more people, until you become a hideous parasite; a leech that repulses people, but simultaneously deeply (erreneously) believes he "needs" people in some way. In short, when we grasp and treat relationships as keystones in our life, we become a decrepid, hollow, dissatisfied sham. Worse, people recognize you as nothing but a sham, a superficial loser. After all, you jump from relationship to relationship, never fulfilled, always needing more. Grasping to relationships and making people to be anything more than sprinkles spells disaster and ruin and a dash of humilation. You don't want to do that. Don't have feel affected by or attached to people. Ever.

What happens when we treat others simply as sprinkles in life?
Our life flows. People cease to present themselves as obtacles and have so little impact on us, that we "choose" how to interpret their impact. You can't even taste the flavor of a sprinkle, but we always "choose" to interpret the sprinkle as a positive addition to the cake-eating experience. The same will be true of people in life. They'll be like the tasteless sprinkles, a great bonus, but utterly something negligible. People will gape in awe at your confidence and seeming indifference to their company. This functions as a demonstration of higher social value. Women are biologically wired to seek out men with a higher social value to ensure the survival of her young. That's unconscious programming working with you. Men will recognize your confidence and ease in life and look to you as a leader. After all, if you act so fulfilled and confident, you must "know something". But you mustn't lead and you mustn't cling to any of the many women that present themselves to you. Again, always treat people as sprinkles. Have sexual relationships with women -- some of the best. Have business relationships that feel the most rewarding, but never cling.

Examples of this in real life.
Watch some old westerns. What key characteristic do you notice of the protagonist -- the cool cowboy hero? Is he running around clinging, screaming about things he needs? No. He's always the guy, perfectly calm, perfectly content. The hero treats people like sprinkles, with negligence; the hero believes in himself and no one else; the hero survives because of those principles. Here's a GREAT explanation. Treating people like sprinkles shows indifference and most importantly the absence of neediness from others. People with higher social value don't need things from others because they already have things, so acting not needy (or like people are sprinkles) is a demonstration of higher ocial value. Even of you dont' HAVE higher social value (if you actually DO need things from people), treating people like sprinkles, and, thus, conveying a DHV will cause people to look to you as the person with the higher social value and will treat you like that. They'll present opportunities to you because, (after all you conveyed the genuine DHV!) seem to have access to the resources for their neediness. I really spelled it out there: but in short, People are sprinkles ---> ----> Shows absence of neediness ----> DHV ----> People present opportunities to you because of your apparent DHV.

So all you have to worry about. The only tricky part is maintaing the sprinkle principle WHILE taking the good opportunities and/or relationships without clinging. Read The Alchemist and you'll know what I mean when I say, such an act is like seeing the beauties of the city without spilling a drop of the oil in the spoon. You, obviously can only make two errors with these opportunities. You 1)relinquish your negligence, become like a kid in a candy shop, and your DHV plummets and you lose the opportunities or 2) you keep the negligence, but it's too icy so you never take nor profit from any opportunities. If you don't ever do any of those faux pas, and keep the people-negligence attitude, you're guaranteed success...more accurantely, you're biologically WIRED for success!

This theory operates in congruence with our intrinsic biological survival patterns. In primitive days, women mated with those who had higher social value to ensure the survival of her kids (it's a 9-month time investment for each for her, remember -- she biologically has to choose wisely). Additionally, men hunted and gethered with those with higher social value to ensure their own survival. Treating people like sprinkles, ups your value in both the survival and replication goals of life!


The Cat Vet

Cat Vocalizations
Caring for your cat with a Flowchart so it gets the attention it needs and you care for it without feeling over-worked.
Okay, Cats have 7 -- yes, count them, seven -- primary vocalizations. First, there exists what I refer to as the 2 "okay" vocalizations -- purring and happy meowing, 1 sign of interest, the most bizarre chattering, chirruping sound, and then 4 vocalizations of necessity -- meowing or screeching in distress, protest, frustration, and for attention. You can really clump the cat's vocalizations into two groups of 2 and 5 different effects, too. The purring and chirruping and then the five types of "meows" -- four of which imply necessity, 1 implies happiness and agreeability. Purring sounds like the most jaded two-sided vocalization because purring typically means great satisfaction (like when being petted or eating) or in the midst of great pain (like with an injury).

So the best way to auditorially "decipher" your cat you should just set up a nested if-else statement as follows:

if (cat meows)
if (rises and falls)
The cat feels Happy;
Good job. Don't worry about the cat.
else-if (aversion meows)
Identify the aversion meow as frustration, protest, or distress.
if (sigh or snort)
With sound occurs with motions of necessity (beckoning to be let out, lurking around bowl)
The cat feels Frustration;
Help the cat achieve the goal such as overcoming loneliness, hunger, or boredom or distract the cat from that goal;
else-if (whine or hiss)
The cat Protests something;
Look at the water-bowel, over-petting, some other obstacle or action that could irritate the cat;
else-if (high-pitched shrieking loud and frantic)
The cat feels Distress;
Extricate the cat from the distressing situation;
var loopcount=-1
if (loop count >2) break;
while (cat emits aversion sounds)
With intrusive behavior (jumping around you)
The cat seeks Attention and/or Greets you;
Pet, welcome, and play with the cat;
else-if (cat purrs)
while (!(cat purrs && doesn't gravitate to you))
if (cat shows disfigurement and/or signs of suffering)
The cat feels pain;
Help heal the cat;
The cat welcomes and greets you;
Pet and "say hello" to the cat;
var loopcount=-1
if (loop count >2) break;
The cat feels content || you have checked it 3 times and given it adequate time;
else-if (cat chirrups or chatters)
The cat holds interest in something.
Investigate in what the cat finds interesting to learn about your cat's fascinations.

With that flow diagram, you can quickly decipher exactly what you cat "feels" from what she vocalizes to you and respond accordingly.

Examples: If you identify the cat as feeling distressed, look at the environment. Is she snagged on something? Is she locked in a room? Or if you identify the cat seeks attention, pet it, play with it, etc. If the cat gives vocalizations of frustration, you could help it reach the toy that it keeps chasing after or if it

Purring has the most diverse meaning because it can signify pain, pleasure, or greeting. Generally, the purr indicates a positive feeling in the cat.

In reference to the pain purring, I had a very strange thing occur one time with a kitten. The kitten had a collar on and when I checked in on it, it had removed the collar some how. I could only assume that it had jammed on something and come undone. Apparently in that process it sounded like it damaged its vocal chords and excessively “purred” (likely the painful kind) after the incident. ). If a cat gets an internal injury that results in a constant purr-pain state, you should just return it or vet it.

The protest (whine), frustration (snort or sigh), and distress (ear-piercingly shrill meow) are in the same group, but the distress meow, usually is the only thing you can directly do something about. If the cat gets immersed in water or touches a hot stove or catches its paw in something, expect the distress meow. Distress meows can usually, fortunately, be resolved most quickly. Many times, you'll have to ignore the frustration or protest meow because identifying its cause may be too vague. For example, the cat could see some other cat walk outside and whine-meow in protest of not being able to chase after it and then snort in frustration and you may not have even seen the other cat, so determining the source of its protest may be impossible in such a situation. Generally, a protest is a lighter form of a distress, and a frustration is a lighter form of a protest.

So you could plug in a separate do-while loop check to see if it vocalizes aversion sounds like this

Identify the aversion meow as frustration, protest, or distress.
if (sigh or snort)
With sound occurs with motions of necessity (beckoning to be let out, lurking around bowl)
The cat feels Frustration;
Help the cat achieve the goal such as overcoming loneliness, hunger, or boredom or distract the cat from that goal;
else-if (whine or hiss)
The cat Protests something;
Look at the water-bowel, over-petting, some other obstacle or action that could irritate the cat;
else-if (high-pitched shrieking loud and frantic)
The cat feels Distress;
Extricate the cat from the distressing situation;
var loopcount=-1
if (loop count >2) break;
while (cat emits aversion sounds)

The above loop ensures that you will try to help the cat if it displays frustration, protest, or distress, but you won't spend your entire life helping the cat because the loop breaks after three loops, ensuring that you will have given the cat MORE than adequate amount of attention, affection, and your efforts to heal and/or help it. This may seem like overly-simplified labeling but it's either that or becoming confused and then frustrated yourself. Two animals frustrated is worse of than one; so label, label, label away and run the do-while loop!

Then you're only left with the attention (short) and happy (rise and fall) meows, which are easy to identify.

The purring has this while loop.

else-if (cat purrs)
while (!(cat purrs && doesn't gravitate to you))
if (cat shows disfigurement and/or signs of suffering)
The cat feels pain;
Help heal the cat;
The cat welcomes and greets you;
Pet and "say hello" to the cat;
var loopcount=-1
if (loop count >2) break;
The cat feels content you have checked it 3 times and given it adequate time;

This loop will first check to see if the cat purrs with the presence of visible signs of pain or excessive gravitation to you. In short, this checks to see if the cat is in pain or seeks attention and greeting first, if those are not met, the loop breaks we know the cat feels content. Otherwise, we enter the loop and check to see if it shows signs of suffering, and to remedy that, if not, we can assume that it just is greeting you and seeks attention with its purring. Like the other loop, this loop breaks after three counts to ensure you don't spend your entire time being controlled by your cat's purring, but gives the cat adequate caring.

So to be organized with this. The cat has three aversion meows


If you don't hear those, you're generally safe to assume that the cat feels "okay" about things. Otherwise any other meows are attention-seeking, greeting, or happiness meows and we'll assume that. So if the cat meows and it isn't an aversion meow, you can assume it's either seeking attention, happy, or greeting you. If it purrs, it could feel pain, pleasure, or greet you; respond accordingly.

The greeting vocalization is the only emotion that has a purr and the attention-seeking-greeting meow.

Conclusively, the entire loop has a three step initial if-statement. You just check to see if the cat meows, purrs, or chatters, and then follow into the nested statements with whichever of those conditions occurs. Within the meowing if-statement, you have to there exists three main conditions, too, the happy meow, aversion meows (which, in turn, have three sub-categories based on the do-while check), and the attention-seeking-greeting meow.

If the vocalization branches into the purring, purrs only have three meanings: pleasure, pain, or the seeking-greeting meow behavior.

Finally, if the cat chatters, this means one thing: she has an interest in something! This generally mimics the cat death-bite used to kill small prey like birds, rodents, or chipmunks in the wild. If the cat sees one of those animals (like out the window), it may simply get excited and use the chattering sound!

The best way to deal with cat claws is to cap them or clip them yourself.

Kneading feels very pleasurable for cats. This sounds strange to use because usually the animal being kneaded (massaged) gets the pleasure, but kneading brings back memories of the cat’s early kitten days when it kneaded its mother’s nipples for milk. This sounds very strange, but sometimes, kneading produces an orgasmic like effect for the cat! In short, kneading pleases cats greatly.

I want to play with my cats -- big time. It should feel like a fun experience to have them solve problems. Many times cats will dive bomb your feet as you walk by, too. This again, simply indicates that the cat wants to play and may feel bored. With adequate cat furniture, toys, or other cats for stimulation, the cat may not dive-bomb your legs anymore. Another maneuver, typically indicative of a bored cat who wants to play, in addition to the ankle dive-bomb is the ambush, where the cat will pounce on your as you enter its “domain” area. This simply shows boredom and eagerness to play and does not indicate a lack of trust of you in its lair or anything else.

I definitely don’t’ want a Garfield fat cat (although I wouldn’t mind a cat with Garfield’s cool, witty personality), but a skeleton cat doesn’t sound healthy either. A skinny, agile cat makes the best companion

Okay, there exist two kinds of marking territory – the good kind and the bad kind. The bad kind is spraying, urinating on areas. This generally represents a problem with the cat. The cat may feel intimidated by something – like another cat it sees – or just may feel uncomfortable with a certain environmental variable. The spraying marking is a protest and indication of frustration with the cat. You should treat the second kind of marking as a compliment! Cats have special facial glands under their chin and on their face that release hormones when rubbed. If you cat rubs its face on your feet or some similar gesture, this means it’s “marking you” with those facial pheromones, claiming you as his – a great compliment, indeed!

If you want to go extra fancy, running the cat’s water through a filter to purify it might make it healthier; plus cats don’t drink tons of water anyways. This sounds surprising considering that they are obligate carnivores, meaning they eat meat and only meat. Meat generally tastes salty, so the fact that they don’t drink a ton of water may come as a shock, but it’s still good to know that purification could make a good alternative to just general tap water.

Play Behavior
Animals are all about love (licking, petting, purring!). While this may get annoying after awhile, I think humans -- cnn, etc. -- have lost that tendency for love because they don't galvanize their compassionate reservoir.

Disciplining and training the cat can be a complicated, complex, demanding task, at times . For example, if your cat pees on the carpet and you say “No” loudly and throw it in the litter box, it may then “learn” through operant conditioning not to not pee on the carpet, but that the litter box means pain and is “wrong”! So if you cat bites you, try to just blow in its face and maybe reinforce this by saying “no”, but always substitute the biting with a straw or some other “teething-approved” item. The key with training the cat revolves around knowing that you can’t change the cat’ behavior, generally. Substituting the maladaptive behavior with approved behavior is the best thing to do. For example, if the cat constantly tackles you, let it keep tackling, but get it to tackle with a toy or another cat. Bottom-line: you cannot discipline a cat like you discipline a dog or any other animal. Cats exist in their own world. They don’t see a swat on the nose as “disciplining”; they may see it as an instigation to play and become more aggressive, or consider to as play, or they will “stop doing” a different thing. The best way to discipline your cat is through substituting the “disruptive habits” with good toys or play zones.

Here's another great link on vocalizations.

Fun cat factoids:
  • A cat can recognize its owner's footsteps from hundreds of feet away.
  • A cat's meal is the equivalent of 5 mice.
  • A cat can jump up to 7 times its height (tigers can jump as high as 16 feet or as far as 33 feet).
  • Cats can recognize their owner's footsteps up to 100 feet away.
  • Compared to the dog's 10 vocalizations, cats have access to about 90 different types of vocalizations.
  • Some mythology believes cats are exalted, all-knowing souls but are left "mute" and thus can't influence human decisions.
  • Body temperature of cats is about 4 degrees hotter (102) and their heart beats about 100 times faster (around 160 bpm)
  • Cats and dogs are digitigrades; they walk directly on their toes.
  • Cats directly register when walking, meaning their hind legs step in the footprints of the forelegs, minimizing noise and tracks.

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