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Know and Deeply Understand What You Want

Perception is less than Reality: False Bifurcations: Know and Deeply Understand What You Want: The Formula for Bifurcation:

Establishing this an actual bifurcation is extremely essential to prosperity, happiness and the freedom of knowing what you want, getting what you desire and not experiencing the baggage of burdens, doubts, and uncertainties. Bifurcating is about commitment – relentless commitment, I should say.

When you truly commit and will devote every cell, ever second for the rest of your life to achieving what you want in life, you will get it. You will get it or perish. This is not a false bifurcation, but an actual bifurcation (see "False Bifurcations").

False Bifurcations

Purpose: The purpose of this illustrative section is to reveal to you the reality that what you think about a situation typically is a mere subset of the myriad privileges that exist in the reality of the situation.

When you truly commit and will devote every cell, ever second for the rest of your life to achieving what you want in life, you will get it. You will get it or perish. This is not a false bifurcation, but an actual bifurcation.

A bifurcation, by the way, is the standing point where only 2 outcomes, two options exist. Many times were are envision a scenario as being bifurcated, but, in reality, that situation is a false bifurcation. When we're at a stop sign on a one-way T-intersection most of us will falsely bifurcate. We see our only two options as stopping and turning right or stopping and continuing forward.

That stop sign scenario is an example of a fallacious bifurcation because, in reality, there exist MANY more options and choices than stop-turn-right and stop-and-continue. Here's the list of other possible options we have:

  1. Stop and Park after ther sign
  2. Park before the sign
  3. California stop and turn right
  4. California stop and continue forward
  5. Floor it and turn right
  6. Floor it and continue forward
  7. Pull the emergency break and just abandon the car in the middle of the road.

Clearly it's now blatantly obvious how incredibly erroneous our previous conjecture was. There exist atleast NINE options here when we originally "thought"—thought falsely – that there were only two. Now, granted, some of those options (5,6,7 namely) may not be to our best benefit if we want to avoid collisions and avoid breaking the law, but they still exist as options. 1 through 4 are four additional options that are equally legal and plausible as well.

You've been shown the secret of perception versus reality: that what you think about a situation typically functions as a mere subset of the myriad privileges that exist in the reality of the situation.

So take from this one thing: the knowledge, the FACT, that our perceptions of any incident, event, horizons, ambiton, dream, endeavor and or plan will almost always be LESS than the total options and/or choices we have in reality! Let's focus on then not on "options" for we have those in abundance! Let's focus on valid selectivity. Cultivating the capacity and the school to generate massively aligned skills in always selecting (and only "seeing") the valid choices and options out of the myriad alternatives we have abundantly presented to us in our life!

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