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The 4 Steps to the Seduction Process

DISCLAIMER: Quality seduction -- authentic seduction -- is not about exploitation, but, rather, fulfillmnet. The seduced are left with realized desires and long-kept fantasies are brought to the surface. Genuine seduction, therefore is a form of life empowerment, leaving one with new and expanded horizons.

  1. Seduction fulfills the consciously unacknowledged need or craving -- seduction listens to the unspoken desire. Everyone has psyche gaps and cravings.
  2. Your inner voice needs air to breathe. That inner voice frequently lusts out and is always lurking beneath the surface of your psyche.While you pine away talking about, for example, your pampered, comfortable childhood, your inner voice squirms and twitches for something esoteric, wild, and forbidden. We constantly give subconscious signals as to what we lack.
  3. The essence of the seduction process, therefore, involves deciphering and psychological cryptology. We conciously and unconsciously conceal and disguise our desires and lacks.
  4. Mastering this principle will provide you with 2 things: 1)The ability to clearly see desires in others and 2)The ability to continue providing for others without reverting to selfishness. Don't assume others want what you want and lack what you lack

1. Everyone has psyche gaps and cravings.

If we didnt' have psychich gaps and complex cravings all of our "human code", our inner workings would be in a database. We would be automatons without hidden, psychic mystery. What's an example of something that interacts with humans and can "appear" like it makes choices, but has zero unknown cravings and unkowns. Only computer programs have no hidden gaps and cravings. Fortunately, humans each have our own millions of lines of "code" detailing our own inner cravings and no one is aware of that code themselves and others never see all of it. That's what makes us human. Seduction, therefore, is a bit of programming and deciphering, and clarifying. It's really just clarifying these desires people purpsoefully or unconsciously neglect. Seduction fulfills the consciously unacknowledged need or craving -- seduction listens to the unspoken desire.

2. We constantly give subconscious signals as to what we lack.

Everyone has a voice. They use this normal voice to speak to a friend, to order pizza, th tell the cabby where they're going. But everyone also has an inner voice. Unless you're a musician, successful author or speaker, you likely have this voice still deeply buried in your life. It needs air to breathe. That inner voice frequently lusts out and is always lurking beneath the surface of your psyche. Do you always have a demanding "normal voice". If you're always demanding, what prevents you from serving? If you're constantly focusing on beauty and physical appearance, your inner voice longs for intellectualization. While you pine away talking about, for example, your pampered, comfortable childhood, your inner voice squirms and twitches for something esoteric, wild, and forbidden. The more you desensitize yourself to your own inner cravings (by fulfilling them, so you actually become more interested in others having fully fulfilled yourself), the more obvious the inner voice of others will become!

3. We conciously and unconsciously conceal and disguise our desires and lacks.

When you understand that you, I, them, her, he -- all of us -- are only half aware of our little quirks, desires, wants, lacks, and cravings and deliberately try to hide some and unconsciously hide others, we begin to understand how much of a puzzling mystery the whole seduction process becomes. No one has a huge sign on them that says "To seduce me, follow A, B, and C. And then...". The essence of the seduction process, therefore, involves deciphering and psychological cryptology. Proper seduction involves thorough scrutiny of the person's past romances, their homes, their belongings, what do they like to listen to, what time of the day are they most aroused? do they have routines? or do they thrive in spontaneity? All of these personality quirks and answers to those questions lie embedded in the messages of their clothes, appearance, phrases, past stories, and homes. They, themselves, may not even be consciously aware of some of the desires you envision. One of the best film adaptations of the most master-mind seduction artist I have ever seen was Val Kilmer in the movie "The Saint". He played a woeful heart-torn poet, he wooed Elizabeth Shue's character with nobility and depravity and creativity and turmoil. The Rescuer constantly needs to help other's problems, if you constantly have problems in life, the Rescuer will be drawn to you. Again, we all have our little decipherings that formulate our subtle interests and desires and social needs.

4. Don't assume others want what you want and lack what you lack.

This last principle is essential. Mastering this principle will provide you with 2 things: 1)The ability to clearly see desires in others and 2)The ability to continue providing for others without reverting to selfishness. Most of us fail at seduction because we are unable to escape the prisms of our own mind, our own desires and lacks. If you've been pampered your whole life, you assume everyone wants wild adventure, too. If you're prude and "above" romance, you assume everyone else is more interested in style and fashion, too. If you obsess intellectually and yearn for physical intimacy, you assume everyone has the same craving. Those three examples are all erroneous! Do not create those assumptions. Secondly, when we cease assuming others want what we want, we will have greater awareness of a person's ability to actually provide what we want! If you're seducing a a seductee who has numerous exotic fetishes, and you just want a simple long relationship, you'll realize that you may not get what you want out of such a relationship right away. Knowing that, predicting the outcome, can assuage unpleasant emotions and provide your sense of knowing with greater trust. You'll trust your ability to foretell what the other person lacks and, resultingly, you'll acquire more and more confidence in your ability to provide that vacancy for the person.

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