I like to include everything in a single email, but wanted to add this:
I am definitely the "imprisoned celebrity", "land-locked-soulseeker" , now.
There is a key and completely essential distinguishing characteristic between financial currency and spiritual currency: you survive with financial currency, but you truly live with spiritual currency. This is not saying to discard financial currency because clearly, without basic survival needs you would be suffering. But so few people ever actually truly live - live their dreams, access their potential, and enjoy the articulation of their talents. A psychologist Maslow came up with the idea of self-realization, realizing your highest potential. In his analysis he defined things called D-needs, or deficit needs, that were basic buildings blocks need to construct a platform from which you could start your self-actualization process. The basic physiological health (food, nutrition, sleep, 98.6°F body temp.), only get you to the starting point from which you can start the self-realization process. To plug in financial currency and spiritual currency, you need financial currency to fulfill those deficit needs - the basic survival needs - so that you arrive at the oasis of self-realizations from which you can use spiritual currency to truly access and activate your dreams. To use an example, if the exploration of outer space our galaxy, solar system, and universe is truly living your life and discovering your dreams, which you do with spiritual currency, then breaking the surface of the earth's atmosphere is the purpose and the limit of financial currency.
But that's precisely the problem and the benefit of spiritual currency. So few people make it to the surface - fully satisfy all their deficit needs - and what's worse is that those few who are fully "surviving" - that is have all their basic necessities - rarely even consider trying to pursue the dreams with spiritual currency. Or the reverse happens, someone is adamant about spending spiritual currency, but they lack the survival necessities to break the surface. If they had enough financial currency to generate the necessary survival needs (food, health, loved ones, shelter, etc.), their mastery of spiritual currency would propel them far into uncharted "depths of their galaxy of dreams and potential". The person who grasps financial currency but either neglects, is unaware, or simply is afraid or lazy of exploring life and using spiritual currency is the "Comfortable Obdurate". That person is stubbornly only comfortable with their basic survival needs. The person who has the mastery, motivation, courage, and knowledge of spiritual energy to truly realize his or her dreams but lacks the financial currency understanding or resources to get to the plateau of self-realization, is the "Land-locked soul-seeker" or the "Imprisoned Celebrity". This person seeks his soul but is land-locked by absence of financial currency awareness, or the person has the aspirations and dreams and no how to truly spiritually aligned and even famous, but they are imprisoned by their lack of financial currency and survival needs. This person is going incessantly going spiritually 60 mph in neutral.
The mastery of financial currency and awareness, courage, and knowledge of spiritual currency is the key to success in life. Those two "economies" are massive concepts, but comprehending and fulfilling them is, most certainly the simplest way to life fully. Understand and master those two areas and you will not only be successful to the world, but successful to yourself because your accomplishments will generate so much personal satisfaction, compassion, joy, sense of achievement, and happiness having grown from your creative, rich essence.
Another interesting realization I've had is that relationships are NEVER black-and-white, they're all grey area. Women are attracted to strong men, but then like to control them to assert their feminine power, but then are no longer attracted to them if they succeed in the satisfying display of feminine power. Or, some men are attracted to manipulative women, but then are simultaneously confused and repulsed by her trickery. That's all grey area. I think it's important to look at ALL relationships, because of the inherent grey area, as "no big deal". Anytime you try to stamp black-and-white confienements, or demands, or rules, or contracts on a human relationship you either restrict humanity or set yourself up for a whole hellish heap of confusion and shattered hopes. That's why relationships should be fun and nothing more. They must not be "vessels" of hope, nor time-vaults for safe-keeping. I know many people who've invested their valuable time (and money) in relationships expecting the relationship to "keep it safe". Ha! Then the "relationship" runs off with another partner or splurges on an expensive car. Relationships are fun trifles and should be treates as thus and nothing more. "Only you can create peace with the triumph of principles," writes Emerson. I'm finally understanding that. You have to invest in YOU, in your principles, in your beliefs, and make that the first and foremost thing in life. Then relationships are the sprinkles on top.
I, like many others, have made the blunderingly difficult and stupid maneuver, of treating relationships like the epicenter of my life' focus. Treating a relationship like its the keystone of your life is like trying to build a bridge on quicksand, or about as intelligent as taking your wieght only after thanskgiving or after running a marathon -- you set yourself up for inaccuracy and work from inherently shaky ground. The keystone of your life (if such a thing exists, which it doesn't) must revolve around you. The only ground you control is your own, the terrain of your own principles, so, therefore, yourself is the only "building place" worthy of utilizing as a foundation. Any other resource -- a relationship, a friendship, a business connection, involves someone else's principles, someone else's unpredictability, and, therefore, those "foundations" are plausible unstable. Again, the only foundation is yourself. Business affiliates, relationships, even intimate lovers are all sprinkles in life.
What happens when we externally cling and grasp and turn relationships into keystones?
We downward spiral. A relationship hits a bump and we scream out in the night, ask "why me?" constantly, pray to God for faith, and bathe in a murky, dark, illusion called self-denial. In denying our downward spiral, we grasp on to more relationships, beckoning out to more people, until you become a hideous parasite; a leech that repulses people, but simultaneously deeply (erreneously) believes he "needs" people in some way. In short, when we grasp and treat relationships as keystones in our life, we become a decrepid, hollow, dissatisfied sham. Worse, people recognize you as nothing but a sham, a superficial loser. After all, you jump from relationship to relationship, never fulfilled, always needing more. Grasping to relationships and making people to be anything more than sprinkles spells disaster and ruin and a dash of humilation. You don't want to do that. Don't have feel affected by or attached to people. Ever.
What happens when we treat others simply as sprinkles in life?
Our life flows. People cease to present themselves as obtacles and have so little impact on us, that we "choose" how to interpret their impact. You can't even taste the flavor of a sprinkle, but we always "choose" to interpret the sprinkle as a positive addition to the cake-eating experience. The same will be true of people in life. They'll be like the tasteless sprinkles, a great bonus, but utterly something negligible. People will gape in awe at your confidence and seeming indifference to their company. This functions as a demonstration of higher social value. Women are biologically wired to seek out men with a higher social value to ensure the survival of her young. That's unconscious programming working with you. Men will recognize your confidence and ease in life and look to you as a leader. After all, if you act so fulfilled and confident, you must "know something". But you mustn't lead and you mustn't cling to any of the many women that present themselves to you. Again, always treat people as sprinkles. Have sexual relationships with women -- some of the best. Have business relationships that feel the most rewarding, but never cling.
Examples of this in real life.
Watch some old westerns. What key characteristic do you notice of the protagonist -- the cool cowboy hero? Is he running around clinging, screaming about things he needs? No. He's always the guy, perfectly calm, perfectly content. The hero treats people like sprinkles, with negligence; the hero believes in himself and no one else; the hero survives because of those principles. Here's a GREAT explanation. Treating people like sprinkles shows indifference and most importantly the absence of neediness from others. People with higher social value don't need things from others because they already have things, so acting not needy (or like people are sprinkles) is a demonstration of higher ocial value. Even of you dont' HAVE higher social value (if you actually DO need things from people), treating people like sprinkles, and, thus, conveying a DHV will cause people to look to you as the person with the higher social value and will treat you like that. They'll present opportunities to you because, (after all you conveyed the genuine DHV!) seem to have access to the resources for their neediness. I really spelled it out there: but in short, People are sprinkles ---> ----> Shows absence of neediness ----> DHV ----> People present opportunities to you because of your apparent DHV.
So all you have to worry about. The only tricky part is maintaing the sprinkle principle WHILE taking the good opportunities and/or relationships without clinging. Read The Alchemist and you'll know what I mean when I say, such an act is like seeing the beauties of the city without spilling a drop of the oil in the spoon. You, obviously can only make two errors with these opportunities. You 1)relinquish your negligence, become like a kid in a candy shop, and your DHV plummets and you lose the opportunities or 2) you keep the negligence, but it's too icy so you never take nor profit from any opportunities. If you don't ever do any of those faux pas, and keep the people-negligence attitude, you're guaranteed success...more accurantely, you're biologically WIRED for success!
This theory operates in congruence with our intrinsic biological survival patterns. In primitive days, women mated with those who had higher social value to ensure the survival of her kids (it's a 9-month time investment for each for her, remember -- she biologically has to choose wisely). Additionally, men hunted and gethered with those with higher social value to ensure their own survival. Treating people like sprinkles, ups your value in both the survival and replication goals of life!
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