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634 Contacts! 100% Pure, Premium Concentrated Contacts!

I had 634 which was INSANE. I whittled it down to 514, but still want to edit it and get rid of a lot. Felt awesome to sort through them (all electronic of course, Apple Address Book); if you still use paper non-electronic address books, don't even respond, you're too outdated. Wondered what criteria people use for saving/editing out contacts. I've got work, biz, friend, random project, old new contacts from everything; am structuring it so get the most use though.

I asked around and got answers like 14, 28, 59, and 25. So if the average is 40. I have over 15 times the "average" number of contacts. Hhhmm I am stoked to get my "oktokeep" category down to 200, but even 200 is a ton! It's exciting to have this many, but ideally there's a lot of contacts that resemble doors and projects that I have closed and have moved on from and may want to keep closed so editting those down would be incredibly wise. Additionally, having a more concentrated less diluted (all these contacts are relevant) is opportune and an incredible form of clarity. Additionally it's a matter of ensuring that you maintain awareness of which one's technically (like working phone number and/or email) and emotionally-socially (still relevant and positive in your life and career at the moment and many will NOT be relevant nor compatibile) work and still are compatible.

Looking through your contacts and not having an "baggage contacts" like "oh don't want to contact her...or that project's ended" is ideal to not have negative psychological energy connected up with contacts so sorting them out. Whittling my now 514 down to 200 or less would be incredibly energizing. Additionally

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