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Being one of the most integral components of a functioning human relationship, trust creates harmony, but too much of it engenders dangerous vulnerability. A healthy amount of trust allows two or more humans to experience openness and congruence with one another. From this one learns the benefits of altruism, the joy of selflessness, and warmth of giving. Furthermore, an inadequate amount of trust creates a conscience lacking in warmth and expression, riddled with conspiracy and checkered with subterfuge. Nevertheless, if one resorts to any extreme of trust – too much of it or too little of it – one could experience lack of defense or paranoia, respectively.

Vulnerability not only creates openness to love, but it creates susceptibility to attack. Aggressively mendacious and belligerent people, unfortunately, do exist. Being wary of engaging too much is being conscience of psychological predators in the world. However, if one becomes so depleted of trust that excessive paranoia sets in, this could be considered a more viciously unhealthy malady than excessive or uncalculated trustworthiness.

The fine median is to be meticulous with our trust. With a dubious person, or when your intuition is on alert, be miserly with your trust. Play it safe. However, one should never universally apply a method of frugality in regards to trust because trust opens the door to vulnerability, and it is the fusion vulnerability combined with a commitment to dynamism that creates a synergistic experience.


Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.

John K. said...

Grazie, buon signore. Apprezzo le vostri risposte ed incoraggiamento!

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