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The Best Anti-Psych Post

Pharmaceutical firms linked to defining DSM diagnostic criteria. Proving, it's all about the money. This is a brilliant reference! I knew this, and rhetorically have asked people why so many of the so-called "disorders" could fit symptomatic criteria of almost any person (insinuating that the pharmaceuticals need to make money from diagnoses, and, thus, make diagnostic criteria incredibly generalized), but your reference illustrates the financial evidence behind the malign and deception. Thanks, WP, for revealing this! Here's a juicy quote:
"Every psychiatric expert involved in writing the standard diagnostic criteria for disorders such as depression and schizophrenia has had financial ties to drug companies that sell medications for those illnesses, a new analysis has found."
The Insanity of Psychiatry
I think one of the most obvious examples that illustrates how the psychiatric sham can't consistently diagnose even the most simple subjects (obviously, because such diagnoses simply do not exist!) is the famous Rosenhan experiment. Designed by David Rosenhan of 1972, the experiment involved "pseudopatients" consisting of perfectly healthy grad students, phycians, psychiatrists, and pediatricians" acting as if they had hallucinatory symptoms and trying to get accepted by 12 prestigious hospitals around the country. They were all accepted. And the greatest blunder of psychiatry is revealed when the hospital staff (after being informed that some of the patients were part of the experiment) couldn't identify the pseudopatients from the real ones and thought some actual patients were pseudopatients! The misdiagnosis of their own misdiagnosis! Ultimately, David Rosenhan single-handedly proved (with his experiment team, of course) that the psychiatric business not only inherently possesses flaws in diagnoses, but also in remission and contingency diagnoses. In short, shrinks don't have the capacity to correctly scrutinize "patients" before and after diagnoses, making the entire diagnostic process a pathetic, ridiculous joke, only to be believed by greedy pharmaceutical companies, shady psychiatrists, or the blundering status quo.

What is this like? How unheard of is that? That's like having the prison wardens make the laws depending on how many jail cells are available! Oh, if they're running out of incarceration space (or, to draw the analogy, have plenty of money), make the laws loose; if they have surplus space (running out of money), make the laws tight and bring in more criminals (or more patients). Utterly ass-backwards. What's even worse? Psychiatric shrinks nor patients don't get insurance money if you don't diagnose. That alone gives an enormous incentive towards labeling, and not emotional help. True help is too subjective and unprofitable. Objectified 'therapeutic applications' are second in line if drugs are not given. Wow this is shocking, so in the psychiatric profession along with the insurance companies, "emotional help" is unprofitable. Saying that genuine emotional help doesn't really legitimize financial profit, is about as "logical" as saying that all lay-ups in basketball don't count only jump shots. The very warped financial provisos of the psychiatric profession discourage genuine help and encourage the mutation of and maladaptively warping of someone's delicate physiology by shoving pills down their throat.

This site offers an amazing repertoire of anti-psychiatric papers, references, and links, but ont of hte most notable was this article by Dr. Douglas A. Smith. Where Dr. Smith enlightened us and confirmed our beliefs that "All biopsychiatric treatments share a common mode of action -- the disruption of normal brain function" (Peter Breggin, M.D., Brain Disabling Treatments in Psychiatry, Springer Pub. Co., 1997, p. 3). Drugs never correct imbalances. They never improve the brain. They "work" by impairing the brain and dampening feelings in various ways." Again psychiatric medical treatments impair our life and merely subdue and bury our normal brain functioning; psychiatric medicines are NEVER productive.

The existence of all mental disorders is refuted here
. The most clarifying part of Mr. Stevens' article is the understanding that labeling someone with a mental disease is only saying that the labeler disapproves of the person's personal mentality. That's all mental disorders are. They don't exist as anything else other than a a sophisticated insult. They certainly do not insinuate the taking of medication, therapy, nor "healing" anymore than calling someone an "idiot" does.

Finally some reading that is "safe" to absorb because it propels a world view of which I have been such a fervent supporter, instigator, and communicator.

Also, this organization, The Truth about Psychology and Psychiatry, tied in with Mental Health Radio, is absolutely brilliant stuff.
You are never locked into your genes
Bruce Lipton, Ph.D has incredibly ground-breaking and empowering work in epigenetics. Where "his experiments, examining in great detail the molecular mechanisms by which cells process information, have revealed that genes do not in fact control our behavior, instead, genes are turned on and off by influences outside the cell." Drawing from his own studies and degrees with psychiatry on a first-hand basis, Jay Joseph's, Psy.D cornerstone book called the Gene Illusion shows how the psychiatric basis of genetics is easily challenged.

The mind-body concept was said to have been started by Dr. Larry Dossey, M.D. His sound wisdom and calculated practice is miraculously insightful and inspiring. Some key terms here are pygmalion effect and how conventional medicine chase the expectation of how students should behave in classrooms or how the status quo archetype of a human should behave. Allopathy, on the other hand, creates a healing solution based on an ideal, instead of chasing a fleeting expectation as conventional medicine does. There's a concept of readiness to change and willingness to change; you have to incorporate a lifestyle change (removed of drugs) to ultimately connect with your genuine existence.

Some relevant terms.

After growing up (barely) in a highly warped family nexus, I experienced the maddening Gregory Batesonian "double bind" phenomenon. Which is defined in the NLP dictionary as well as detailed here. Boy would I have loved to be a student of Dr. Robert David Laing. Unfortuantely, this brilliant Scottish psychiatrist past away when I was 6, but I completely and totally agree with his disbelief in the existence of the "mental illness". I am such a strong supporter of that belief and upon reading his bio, I felt as though I was reading many of my own ideas. For a very generalized view of how Democracy has ironically warped into a paradoxical entity undermining our personal freedoms, check out this video of the BBC The Trap, which includes interviews with Laing and Nash. The most astounding inteviews revealed how, specifically with schizophrenic patients, the pressure-cooker within the power and control of the family nexus perpetuates and actually manufactures symptoms of so-called disorders. Laing dissected the family nexuses with game theory.
Here's some footage.
Leonard Frank's harrowing account of insulin electro-shock therapy. This is so revolting. Franks, like anyone who interacts with psychiatry, was seriously physically and emotionally ABUSED by psychiatry. Abuse is an understatement, torture, is more relevant.
Finally, this is the epicenter, the culminating piece to this anti-psych post:
YES! I'm so happy about this. I'm so happy to see people who viciously hate psychiatry as much as I; it feels so restructuring to see people who've witnessed how corrupt and fraudulent all of psychiatry is; and to see that I am not alone in my total understanding that psychiatry does kill. It feels good to not be alone in my beliefs.
Some quick facts from the movie:
  • In the past 4 decades twice (2x) TWICE the number of people have died in government psychiatric hospitals than all World Wars since 1776 COMBINED! Where is the battle being fought, we should ask? Psychiatric hospitals need to not exist.
  • 6 million -- 6 MILLION! - American Children take prescribed psychiatric medication.
  • Psychiatrists think 1 Billion people have some mental illness.
  • $2 Trillion pumped into psychiatry. 0 cures. It's the biggest, most inhumane, and grossly violating scam possible.
  • 543 Million people have been prescribed psychiatric drugs.
  • "It's really tragic; It's awful. And it's being done for money. That's why it's being done."
  • "There is no reliability of diagnosis; it's just science. It's all just pseudoscience."
The corruption, evil, dark sinister fraudelence, and totally brutal inhumanity is much bigger than we think. The psychiatric industry needs to be boycotted or abolished or terrorized or made illegal; or all of the above. Psychiatrists are the dark-minded, malign Thought police who sit tucked away in their demonic corridors crafting new diseases and publishing them in papers.

This article from the NYT has got to be one of my favorites, called "Drug Approved. Is Disease Real?" Haha! That's great! It debunks, questions, and ridicules the existence of diseases. The article just reveals the entire pharmaceutical scam for what it is: a sham built on a sham of nebulous non-existent fictional diseases that do not exist!! That's my mantra baby! That's what I believe! I KNOW and UNDERSTAND that ALL those DSM psychiatric diseases DO NOT EXIST. Diseases =DNE. That's an error you get in programming and that's the error that should arise whenever anyone mentions a disease. Disease=DNE! Best news? The article is FRESH off the presses. It's January, 2008! The world is creeping up on psychiatry and it's going down. Big time! It's going down in a whimpering fire-ball of lying DSM manuals and deceitful pharmaceutical companies. I'm telling you. NOW is the time to INVEST in serious alternative medicine stocks. Psychiatry will not exist 50 year from now. The world will grow into its intelligent shoes and won't play dumb for much longer. And if you "own" for some god forsaken idiotic reason pharmaceutical stocks or something of the like (What? Are you a moron?) get rid of them ASAP. And if you're career is in psychiatry and/or pharmaceuticals? My obvious advice is change careers immediately. But, hey, some people "like sinking ships" for some reason. I personally, do not, which is why I'm going to be floating by with alternative medicine watching the cataclysmic hilarity as psychiatric and pharmaceutical professions -- entire careers -- plunge and sink! All while the alternative medicine, natural healing healing, flies HIGH big time. Now THAT's the remedy!

I can't describe how infuriating it is to discover that a loved one, or someone whom you thought was a loved one, believes that you have some disorder, when you know such "disorders" are part of a corporate-pharmaceutical-psychiatric scheme to make money. Unfortunately, for them, but anyone who encourages, practices, or endorses psychiatry, I automatically labelled a myopic imbecile; it's truly the only logical conclusion once your see the facts (of which psychiatry has none). Enron is a saint compared to psychiatry. All Enron did was just jumble a few accounting books, hurting the image, reputation, nor physiological health of no one. Psychiatry cannot say the same because it's sole profiteering mission is composed of more and more maliciously fabricated ways to destroy the image and reputation and shatter physiological health in people. PETA slaughtering animals and skinning them alive, while savagely repulsive, does not match the untamed cruelty of psychiatry.

Here's the clincher. Pharmaceuticals issued Heroin. Yes, the drug that has caused millions of deaths.

"From 1898 through to 1910 heroin was marketed as a non-addictive morphine substitute and cough medicine for children. Bayer marketed heroin as a cure for morphine addiction before it was discovered that heroin is converted to morphine when metabolized in the liver, and as such, "heroin" was basically only a quicker acting form of morphine. The company was somewhat embarrassed by this new finding and it became a historical blunder for Bayer.[9]"

Pharmaceuticals are legal drug pushers. That's pretty disturbing and extremely wrong. The case has lucidity and clarity. Drug companies, psychiatry, and the like kills.

Finally, the great, brilliant, talented and burgeoning actor, Heath Ledger: let's not forget how he died: "Mr. Heath Ledger died as the result of acute intoxication by the combined effects of oxycodone, hydrocodone, diazepam, temazepam, alprazolam and doxylamine."[13][15]" Psychiatric drugs. That's right. Psychiatric drugs kills talent, lives, souls, it's the most destructive evil in the West.

The solution is Eastern medicine, natural healing, balance with NLP, healthy diet, and solid intense exercise. We need to stop creating unhealthy schisms between our mind and body by terminating all western medicinal foul toxins and embracing the already-potent natural chemicals of the human endocrinology and natural exercise and the potency of natural whole food and nourishment!
There's only one valid type of medicine: positive nlp life-coaching and laughter.


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