Linux Installing File Formats (most to least complicated to install)
1. Source code (needs compiling and file placement, no wizard)
2. Binary (needs file placement, no wizard)
3. Package (. deb, .rpm automatically installs pre-compiled files into necessary folders, no wizard)
4. SE binary (automatically installs pre-compiled files into necessary folders, wizard)
Software Installation Dependency
Windows and macs provide huge clunky install files that already have all the system software code already installed in it. Linux files don't come with dependcy files, so to uninstall or install a program, you may need to respectively install or install dependency files. Yo u experiene dependency hell, when a package needs dependency files, which, themselves, need depency files!
Mounting Files -- Basics
Linux is so cool because you can add any harddrive and make it “normal architecture” that automatically mounts by adding to the /etc/fstab file, creating a directory for it under /media/ folder. Note: remarkable how like this is with Big Brother updates. Everything must be updated and cross-referenced if a “BB surplus reference was changed for example”. To add a constant external drive you have to change /etc/fstab, /media/ references to it! Then it shows up in Places.
Also, realized that me criticizing with evidence why some advice is wrong is very similar to showing command line errors in terminal! It's not insulting; quite informative and helpful! A person who looks at it as insults shouldn't really be using it!
Linux OS
Linux just refers to the kernel; the sensitive part of the OS that does everything. GNU provides the shell, the libraries, and the components that all a user to use the linux kernel. The shell prevents bad commands from destroying the kernel, so the shell is a necessary buffer. GNOME is a GUI shell, but typically the terminal is what is referred to as “shell”. GNU/Linux then is the whole OS – shell, libraries, AND kernel.
Shell Commands
Whenever you type a command in the shell, it is really running just a small little program (ls, cd, totem – all programs). The terminal knows where to find these programs by looking in specific folders. echo $PATH lists these folders. For me, they're /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games , seperated by a colon. If the program is found in one of those folders just typing the command will launch it, otherwise you'll have to type the direct location of the command (or add it's folder to the PATH) or if the program is in the current folder, just precede it with “./” (./ means execute it right here). So way's to run programs:
./ -- if program is in current folder
“program name” if program is in PATH variable
“location/of/program” -- exact location of program name.
Extensibility Flexibility
Linux epitomizes life because you can change and do ANYTHING to the OS – if you want a folder to pop out a certain way, a menu to be added to a menu, anything, you can change it in linux!
System Variables
These tell, among other things, where commands are located for them to be executed from the command-line prompt. You can see the code for system variables with the “set” command.
AWESOME trick. To permanently create an alias (another shortcut for a command or sequence of commands) just append to the end of the .bashrc file (the resource file for all bash shell work terminals) the following line
so for example to create a shortcut for sudo apt-get install, an enormously painful experience to keep typing, just add this line of code to your .bashrc file:
alias sagi='sudo apt-get install'
Awesome! (Note: you must not have any spaces between the “=” sign (That threw me off at first). Just restart the terminal window or reboot and tot download a program just type:
sagi program_name
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