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Condemn Asinine Burocracy with Intentional Empathy

Apparently students are now being suspended and experiencing harsher punishments for improper paper-writing content, which is, of course, the classic American, idiotic attempt toward reform. This is what American’s do. They recognize a serious problem (like school shootings) and then, instead of observing, tapping into intention, listening into the feelings -- the essence of the problem, the ailment that needs to be nurtured -- they start punishing and prohibiting. Punishments and prohibitions dangerously glaze over a problem like school shootings, temporarily embalming it, only to have it resurrect itself with an even more uncontrollable ferocity. Are the people on school boards really this ignorant, naïve, and bloody stupid?! Do they really think that prohibiting a certain type of paper writing is an attempt towards a solution? This is a “sham resolution” – an attempt to remedy that APPEARS like a lot of action, but is actually all show. It’s useless, and it’s beyond infuriating and downright funny that they actually think they’re alleviating it.

If you read THIS, you’ll get some great insight into the origins of violence, and THIS paper offers another great insight.

After you read those quality pieces, you’ll quickly be able to assess that violence is schools is caused by improper upbringing, violence in the media and video games, and peer pressure for a reputation. Conclusively, the last thing you do is start scolding and slapping wrists (which is the first thing that American bureaucracy began doing) and you commence healing the home front, ensure family’s don’t infuse violence, change the exposure to violence in the media, and address social image concerns. ACTING like they have a solution, and knowing they really don’t is one thing, but the fact that bureaucracies may actually think that they’re solving a problem by actually altering paper writing topic structure is actually an asinine procedure quite typical of most bureaucracies.

Choosing to scold, “crack down”, and reprimand never solves anything. The solution is to nurture, cure, and empathically listen.

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