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Guidelines de La Vida

Live with a ferocious intensity and vehemence...or not at all.

1 comment:

John K. said...

As always, whether they be trivial and casual or poignant and thorough, I have tremendous gratitude for the comments of my readership. Definitely being of the latter quality (poignant and thorough), I seriously appreciate your substantive comment.

The absurdist Camus, the philosophical Hesse, and the existential Kierkegaard are incredibly inspiring. I agree, fully!

However, we shouldn't paint such bleak, forlorn picture of our lives. "Growing up alone...unable to mainain a consistent morality...consternation and discord"? This could just as easily be said, "being constantly driven to balance and merge your idealistic virtues with reality, you grew up embracing the evocative joys of solitude". While this transformation is not deceitful spin, it certainly is a metamorphosis of dismal pessimism into optimistically reflective faith.

(Note: If someone intentional paints a dismal picture of their life, believing that it would cause me to react with vehemence, then an inspiring reaction would be effectively triggered, or if you actually felt that way about your life, I still respond with intensity becuase of the often dormant potential of many people.

You sound like a very thoughtful character. I'm not sorry to hear about your angst, but am rather, offended by it because judging from your inspiring site, you have a lot of harmonisously encouraging things to say, but I can relate to the such works as Munch's "The Scream" from episodes in my life, too.

We mustn't confuse being morose with being wise. I see that all the time. If you consider yourself "old", your life's not over, mate. 60 is "ripe", not "decrepit and extinct". Paul Newman, Kirk Douglas, Hugh Hefner -- there's a lot of vigorous "geezers" out there still kicking it and living life more fully than a youthful 20-year-old. However, it's grand that elderliness can spark a spiritual reflection. I am curious, what were your three spiritual epiphanies? I have discovered various stages of awakening, or cognizance of identity, in my life as well.

I feel superb that my (I admit, sometimes labyrinthine) writings provoke a "transgenerational collaboration", and I'll address your three-fold inquiry as to the decades of travel, Spyderbyte, and Kuczmarski and Associates.

Abandon doubt of thy youthful! I've seen toddlers that know the meaning of life! The formula for a 22-year-old to have "decades of traveling experience" is simple: When you begin traveling from Florida to Oregan to Chicago-- across the nation -- at age 2 and then across the globe (Turkey, Greece, Peru, Mexico, Canada, Switzerland, amongst many more) later down the line, you, by 22, have had the incredible fortune of experiencing "decades of traveling experience". In addition to actual global travel, "traveling experience" operates as metaphor for the cognitive, or conversational travel, as well.

Spyderbyte, my entrepreneurial web design company, is a business I started but have since shifted my focus to inspirational mesages of ValidateLife. Working through the Spyderbyte company, I have created recreational websites (on, for example, Gumballs and Calculus) and professional websites for Colorado College (the Career Center site) and for my father's consulting site, which leads to your third question.

Kuczmarski and Associates is a business consulting firm started by my father, Tom Kuczmarski, in 1983. K & A is aimed at, but not limited to, working with other companies to develop new products and services, indirectly influencing cultural perspective by sparking innovation strategies and processes, and educating companies on the risks, necessity, and processes of breakthrough changes. In short, it's a professional brainstorming company that gives your company a boost (through a variety of methods, including (people, purposes, policies, etc.) into new markets. K & A has aided companies such as NASA and IBM and has created products such as "Windex No-Drip" and "Breakfast Cereal Bars".

The "agenda" or "methodology" of K & A and Spyderbyte are obviously very similar. K&A: "propel[s] a company into new and profitable markets" vs. Spyderbyte that "bring[s] your company the competitive edge in a fast-paced business market". What K&A does with stragetic objectives and consumer research, Sydyerbyte does with web design. In short, the companies have the same end goal, different methodologies. But that's besides the point because the intention exchange of ValidateYourLife is the primary focus and has generated the most momentum.

Regarding "the creative and intelligent person looking for a career niche"....that is me, MOST DEFINITELY, except that I have abandoned "searching " and have found "creating" to be much more effective. I have written over 900,000 words, encompassing three books, one of which is self-published; having run well over 3,000 miles, I have disciplined myself to run marathons creating mind-body mastery; and encompassing thousands upon thousands of dialectics with the broadest range of people -- from Senators to the homeless, from aviators to evangelists, from film directors to computer programmers -- I have a tremendous cognizance of the process of synergistic dialectic and compassionate exchange..

Regarding the finance...Are you asking me to write for your site? Are you encouraging me to continue writing on my own web site? I am interested in both and surely will continue the latter. Are you interested in getting more comments and hits? Are you offering advice to increase my hit/scomments? Are you offering advice to throw in a cost/purchasing element to my site? If so, what's the best business/company for doing the e-commerce? Do you use advertising? How much do you actually make and plan to make, off selling advice online? Are you interesting in adding some e-commerce/purchasing options to your site? If so, I am very interesting in charging for the advice, but am more interested in getting out there, but if read on, you'll see why I think the two are related.

I hear what you are saying about the juggling act, "balance of scales", regarding slapping a price tag on inspiration and freely sharing it for sake of bettering humanity. My question to you is: Why get into a moralistic debacle about pricing good, solid advice, when the people who pay for it are more apt to absorb it than those who would read it freely? In short, I am saying that I am very open to putting a price tag on our inspiration, but my goal is still have it be heard and synergistically absorbed. Economically, considering the value of money, pricing the advice could increase it's appearance of value, which could, indirectly, increase the probability of it being taken more seriously and truly absorbed.

While not entirely clueless, but am somewhat inexperienced with pricing and monetarizing services and advice, I am extremely open to any suggestions, and am seeking out ways to financially make a living off the essence of "ValidateLife". To an extent, spiritually and emotionally, I already do "make a living" off of the site!

Regarding the HappyThoughts Site:
I found the parallels between the ancient hydro-siphoning pot-bellied stove, heating mechanism and wind-generator renewable energy devices during the time of Carter's malaise speech of the 70s, fascinating. And while the renewable energy seemed to hit stagnant water into the Reaganomics of the 80s, it's a concept that has a lot of momentum. It's a concept I connect with and it's a concept for which you have, obviously, created a pervasive awareness and presence. On a side note: I made a musical compilation of various bands to serve as motivating background music for running and exercise during my highschool years, and I called the tape "Happy Thoughts".

Your voice rings very strongly with something I resonate strongly with: Taoism. Specifically, the awareness of dichotomy. You mention happiness and joy NOT seperateness and suffering, substance NOT triviality, synergy NOT contention, etc. Those polarized values are awesome. Life is not paradoxical or polarized; it can be dichotomous, but it certainly is synergistically harmonious and complementary.

I sense the evidence of a kindred spirit-- albeit one from a different generation and global hemisphere -- with a congruent, synergistic intention. Having tremendous reverence for your HappyThoughtLifestyles messages, the site is in my "very active" bookmarks folder!

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