Shark attacks are not menacing or threatening in terms of frequency. LIghtning and bicycle crashes kill far more people more frequently. It's the fear that a beast, atleast in the water, seems to be extraordinarily superior to humans is what is so fearful. Not being on top of the food chain, predatory ladder is why there has been so much attention drawn to shaks.
Out of all the man-over-board, sinking ship events -- Titanic, Louisitania, hundreds of others -- the Uranian-carrying, Bomb-component wielding Indianapolis was the single-most largest episode assault by the dinosaur-aged fish of the deep. The July 30, 1945 USS Indianapolis had just delivered crucial Uranium components to the secret base of Tinian, that which would soon make the atomic bomb "Little Boy", which was soon dropped over Hiroshima. The ship, crewed by 1,196, was hit by Japanese submarine commander Hashimoto's torpedo, and sank in 12 minutes. It had just 300 that went down with the ship, but only 316 of the remaining 896 crewmembers were stripped off by frigid waters and sharks. It primarily was the Tiger and the Oceanic White-tip sharks that did the dirty work, chomping off roughly 586 men at a rate of about 100 per day, or a human being consumed every fifteen minutes for 5 days straight.
Is it a coincidence that the vessel that delivered the final component for the single largest destruction devic met such a gruesome fate not brought on by fellow man, but by nature? The sharks operating as so divinely retributional mechanism for delivering the bomb components is debatable, but it certainly is karmically provocative.
Think about it, out of all the SOS shipwrecks scenarios only the boat carrying components for the largest bomb on the planet was paid a serious visit by the 400 million year-old* fully-cartilaginous sea fish. Out of all the abandoned ship stories where sharks could have picked off floating survivors like bobbing for apples at a birthday party, isn't it "ironic" that the ONLY episode of sharks consuming shipwreck survivors occurred off a vessel with a destructive mission (delivering the Bomb components)? Does Nature have a moralistic and gruesome message?
*Very cool side fact: Sharks are 400 million years old. Can you FATHOM how old that is? The oldest human evolutionary chain is 2.5 million years old, meaning that sharks are 160 times older than the oldest hominid evolutionary chain, but the most modern humans are 10,000 years old, making sharks 40,000 times older than modern homo sapiens!! 40,000 times old! jeez! Sharks are 2,000 times as old as neanderthals, which date back as far as 200,000 BP (before present). Therefore, respectively homo habilus, neanderthals, and moder humans are, repsectively 0.6% ( or 1/160), 0.05% (or 1/2,000) , and 0.0025% (or 1/40,000) the age of sharks!!!!
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