Purpose and Tools for Getting There
Defining Purpose and Tools to get there. GREAT Lucid Ideas
I asked myself what my purpose in life is. I couldn't figure it out. So I asked, "Okay, what definitely IS NOT my purpose in life?". I thought about it and said, "to wear socks -- my purpose on life is definitely NOT to wear socks." That's great!! Why because that process of elimination helps define some crucial criteria for better solidifying and illuminating what I my purpose IS on the planet. The logic behind "not here to wear socks" was because everyone can and does do it. Everyone wears socks, so my purpose couldn't possibly be to wear socks because it's not unique.
Therefore, a key criteria for my purpose is that few people possess your aptitude and high-level skill in that purpose. The purpose must be unique and of high-skill level so that very few (or maybe even no one) can do that purpose better than I. If tons of people can do my "purpose" better than I can, then that isn't a purpose, that's a mere tool.
Tools help improve, hone, and refine your purpose. They're things your'e good at and are a qualified specialized skill, but a few others or much better than it than you, but certainly not everyone.
"Wearing socks" is an example of any person with a fraction of a brain can do. Unlike tools, those "givens" require no special learning no brain power so givens are rarely mentioned.
Bottom line if you're REALLY REALLY good at a unique skill that only small number of people can do, it could quite likely be your purpose. If you're good at a unique skill that's hard to learn but notice many others better than you, that's most likely a tool to help, chisel, enchant, and engineer exciting new dimensions to your purpose.
My Potential Purposes -- Activities/Skill in which I have a global high-caliber level of uniquely high proficiency
Romance with Women
Psychology -- Knowing people's emotions; understanding what people feel.
Sensitivity to what people feel and what they express and share.
Tools -- Highly skilled areas that require a degree of skill that I possess. but areas in which others who possess such skills far out excel me.
Exercise self-discipline
Running, Biking, Swimming training and focus
Martial Arts wisdom, philosophy, and centeredness and piece of mind
Ability to write books
Perseverence and self-discipline to run marathons
Web Design skills and expertise
Computer science
Computer programming and logic
I love this post on "purpose and tools" for getting there. It is a new/innovative way to think about strengths and weaknesses that a person can identify, but I like it much better. It really works with "strategy" for utilizing and building awareness of core tools that build one up vis-a-vis others. This should be published to the world! Dynamic and transforming material.
I like that you focus on figuring out what your strengths are... too many people focus on fixing faults rather than amplifying what is already great.
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