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News Today -- Omnipresent Opposition

There’s still an opposition ruckus in Zimbabwe, Kiwis can keep their cool even in shaky territory or fast floods, ancient religions still face opposition, and psychotic authors fictionally write about and act out murder.

Zimbabwe government and Robert Mugabe has gotten so intense that they are fracturing the skulls of leading Opposition members, preventing them from leaving the country, near Harare airport. Some radicals, expressing the dire nature of the situation, agree that Britain has more grounds to invade Zimbabwe than it did Iraq. These climactic protests could foreshadow a resolving period marking the end of Mugabe’s dictatorship.

Seismic technology reaches new heights, as New Zealand volcanic river eruption is predicted and local citizens from nearby towns were evacuated to safety.

Despite their ancient pre-Christianity roots, Savior Mandayans are persecuted by Islamic extremists, fearing their religion may become extinct. Islamic extremists throw acid in the eyes of these refugees and make them jump over bonfires.

After, a saga of being given asylum of France , Italian Crime writer, Cesare Battishi, who, apparently to entrenched in his own novels was wanted for four murders, is captured in brazil with the combined efforts of French, Italian, and Brazilian police officers.

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