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Money as a Tool

Money is a tool. Money gets people to do things that they wouldn't normally do. You can easily draw a graph of money versus outrageous tasks with money on the x-axis and on the y-axis, a quantified mangitude of outrageousness, out-of-the-way tasks. The graph would be very nearly linearly increasing slope similar to the graph of f(x)=x or y=x. In short, as the amount of money increases and is directly related with the range of prohibitted, impossible, outrageous tasks. In other words, if someone is paid more, their list of impossible or negated tasks becomes a shorter and shorter list.

Understanding the relationship between money and tasks is important so you don't get snared slaving for money master. Let money work for you. Use money as a device -- a mechanism. Just like you would a computer or a car. Or does your car and computer own you?

You don't own money. Money can own you.

You don't own a car; a car owns you.

You don't even own a computer.

You, if you're lucky, and wise, and healthy, own a body.

Don't be a slave to the tool of money. At best, have money working for you, through your own mechanism. Live your life like the Sufis; as if you died when you were alive and truly connect with your spirituality. This is the opposite of cult-like infatuation with death or after-life, this is just being fully living as comprehensively as possible.

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