Because of its adaptive nature, we are constantly astonished at the rules of the game of life. A huge strategy recently discovered is to structure your life so that you do one day for other people -- not so much "helping out", which can indirectly denigrate or handicap, but sharing, connecting and giving -- and then, in a near state of depletion, the next day is for you.
This alternates and creates such a metabalized equilibrium of momentum, that the giving days become more fun than the recieving ones. But, based on the law of reciprocity, your wealth, health, success -- whatever it is you seek -- becomes joyful and abundant. It's just the third law of physical science, Newtonian action and reaction. You can't argue with physics.
This "game of life" strategy works! My biggest bad habit is assuming I know the rules, methods, and tricks, when there are thousands of utterances, centered truisms, and provoking necessities of which I am not even aware. An example is green lights. How do you know when it's YOUR green light? Your turn to "Go"? How much floor time do you have? How long has it been your time? or How come it isnt't your time yet? My slowly decreasing, but neverless, large ignorance to the styles and maneuvers of this glorious game contantly astound me. However, awareness is expansively growing.
While the opposite of a calm before the storm; there are insights after ignorance.
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