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Why Religion needs to Serve our Spirituality

Why Religion needs to Serve our Spirituality

Religion is just a Vehicle to get us to Spirituality

A part of me feels that religion is simply clinging to a belief that is unproven and lacking scientific data, but does that make religion false? No! We ARE spiritual beings having a human experience. But the exclusion of religion produces tremendous war, agony, pain and suffering, so this myopic outlook of only ONE doctrine to access spirituality has got to stop. “There is only one religion, but there exist a hundred versions of it”, says Aldous Huxley, one of the great, brilliant literary genius’s of the 20th century. We should not just heed but APPLY the words of that literary genius and recognize that all religious dogma, all consecrated scriptures, all the 10 commandments, 5 pillars, 3 Jewels lead upward to a single vicinity of veracity – the exhilaratingly confident location of the synergistic spirit.

What happens if we fail to see all religions as the same process leading to the same beautiful, enriched, congruent, synergistic place?

  • Our humanity dies
    • We focus on fear of the “wrong” religion (when the “wrong” religion is non-existant) instead of our intrinsic human spirituality.
    • Homeland Security – is it protective action or reaction of fear?
    • We must take protective actions, but NEVER reactions of fear!
    • Reactions of fear are done with uncalculated haste. Actions of truth and trust are done with vehement deliberation.
  • We kill others
    • Terrorist bombs
    • Bombing attacks against terrorism
  • We neglet our own spirituality because we spend our time denouncing others instead of embracing our own intelligence.

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