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The Best Actors

"The apex of the most highly-paid, most successful acting elicts the best actors who do not act, but re-act with completely normal human emotions in completely humanly abnormal situations."

In other words, the best actors dont' "act" or put on emotional masks at all. They remove those masks and simply put themselves in situations that would cause any person not concealing their emotiosn to react with a display.

If there's machine gun fire in the background or buildings are exploding or loved ones die or victories are own, the greatest actors just react the way a normal, non-facade-wearing human would react. Because actors are actually "real" and not acting, they remind the many of us who get caught up in politics -- deceit of guises, gimmicks, and tricks -- and forget what it's like to be human, of our right and capacity to be human. Acting recollects the human spirit, in that sense.

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