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Archive Success and Delete the Accomplishment

One hindrance in furthering success for people is that they believe they have accomplished enough already. Donald Trump, Julia Roberts, and Michael Phelps could easily say that. Those three could wake up and say I've made enough money, I've acted in enough movies, or I've won enough swimming medals, respectively. But they don't. Despite their tremendously gigantic accomplishments and achievemtns, there success continues to prosper. Trump, Roberts, and Phelps, like all successful people don't let their accomplishments sever there future aspirations.

Past accomplishments never legitimate retirement. Many people look at what they've done and say, "Well, that's enough for ten lifetiems. I'm done." No, success isn't made that way. So how could people continue to keep going despite all their achievements? They split the past and present achievements.

Believe in the present that you have not accomplished anything, and that -- in that specific, finite, present moment -- is true. Never forget your triumphs; never fail to herald your feats. But archive those successes in the past!

Forget your accomplishments in the present, but archive them in your history. That way you wake up and feel like there's so much you need to still do; you rejuvenate your youthful ambition, while maintaing your wisdom and experience.

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