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Haiti is in turmoil. Simultaneously, this country is resolving its own conflicts and reflecting the global weltaungschaung of what is being disposedly manifested in the reluctantly indoctrinated and hesitant minds of so many Americans. What is happening after the 9/11 crisis? How have we resolved our dubious doubts of international involvement? Where do we stand -- isolated, benign, and tenaciously defensive; openly vague about our international initiative; or stead-fastedly upright and commanding with a twinge of patriarchial sentiment?
We are still pinned in our shells that allow us to survive as the major patriarchial country; our shells that allow us to lend the fatherly word of advice and swipe the judging hammer down on international "injustice" (deemed injustice by, naturally, ourselves). This arises a problematic and resonating personage that, mortified by resilience, leaves us crippled within an intractable state of incorrigibility. Without the flexibility to undergo adjustments to change with the change -- possibly listen to the protests, advice, and/or suggestions given to us, the fatherly patriarchial international "hand" -- we layed pinned, skewered and tied down by our dominant persona. Changing within a passive arena of benign, patience will strengthen ourselves as a nation and integrate the prosperity we all seek to endeavor.
Possibly encouraging the awareness of our means of survival will allow us to alter these reactions, to stimuli, if necessary, and take us to new horizons - out of stale, trite, and hackneyed paths that have become long overgrown by footsteps overtrodden with redundancy - to reach unforeseen insights and enlightening growth.

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