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Remebering Our Core

You get what you give. If you smile and stay centered to your core, people will respect you and honor you with gifts because you become a gift to them. Your very presence becomes an embodiment of authentic verisimilitudes and is recognized as a present to people. The more we acknowledge our tremendous gifts, the more quickly and the more cohesively we can integrate ourselves with an all-knowing soul. This soul, as Wayne Dyer points out, is an abundant source that comprehensively acknowledges the capacity for deeply understood love. When we smile and present ourselves as a present” to the world – with our knowledge, kindness, generosity, compassion, and joy – we can understand the benefit of creating happiness for others and ourselves. When we are at peace and make others at peace, happiness becomes a healthy contagion that permeates all of our lives and embalms our existence with vivacity and passion, instead of disparate isolation. It’s fine to have personal time that is focused, but such segments should never feel “isolated”.

Let’s remind ourselves on a daily basis to avoid tarnishing our soul, identity, and sense of inner knowing by completely focusing on truth. What are your truths? These components are integrated into who we think we are, what we think we will become, and where we think we have been in regards to profession, intellect, relationships, and history. Our truths, reflective of our past, present and future, are not like the ghost of Christmas Past, Present, and Future (from Dickens’s famous “Carol”) because our personal truths reveal only our energetic sources of inspiration.

In Dickens’ Novel, the Ghosts of Christmas portended foreboding events that would occur if the protagonist, Ebeneezer Scrooge did not change his lifestyle to become more generous and benevolent. Our inner truths do not participate in this type of scolding. Instead of reprimanding our identity, they acknowledge the purpose of resilience. Our inner verisimilitudes – our inner truths – comprehensively nourish and invite us to keep going with current creativity and compassion because they recognize “our good side”. Inner verisimilitudes emphasize positive resolutions, instead of enunciating our flaws. They encourage us to embody our strengths but to encourage a capacity for growth and productivity. If we can learn to listen to, heed, and cherish our inner verisimilitudes, our intrinsic truths, we can quickly find amazing reservoirs of happiness already present in our life. Channeling our energy into our inner truths charges our stagnant waters of integrity and happiness to become electrified with brilliant illumination.

The answers we are seeking are already present within us. Many of these gems simply lurk beneath the surface of our patterns of self-doubt, denial, and hesitation. By channeling our intellectual creativity into a pattern for knowing our soul. The more we can acknowledge these inner truths, the more abundant our entire life will be. We wills cease struggle and replace it with continuous joy. Let’s learn to nourish our richly alive soul with an invigorating potential that can connote happiness from any angle of reconciliation. If we can simply summarize how often we blemish, denigrate or even penalize ourselves for actions that are simply natural and connected to our identity, we can move on to actually honoring and respecting our being. This self-respect then provokes self-nourishment, which leads to you feeling and presenting yourself as gift, when in the presence of others, and in peace serenity and tranquility when you are alone. Let’s further this growth to understand the capacity for avoiding ritualized detriments and harness the joyful knowing of being flexible in our daily practices to encourage a capacity for change.

I remember for the longest time, I would limit my vocabulary to avoid using a daunting diction. I didn’t want to appear above people if I used words they could not comprehend. This, I soon discovered, was compromising my sense of self for the sake of other people. When you focus on creating magnificent change in who you are as a person, you can quickly instigate inspiration in others. Me deciding to not seize my full vocabulary actually put others at a disfavor because they could not learn the complex words themselves. The words are there in the English language, so why not use them!

The capacity to understand growth models and encourage ourselves to unite passion with originality places our expansion in an arena of soothing and unwavering commitment. This commitment escalates without adhering to fallacious or maladaptive practices if we continue to honor being for the sake of others and ourselves. Being authentic, in general, promotes and encourages peace because it destroys any obfuscation about our identity. If our embodiment is the vessel, our identity is the navigation, instruments of guidance, and patterns for commanding ourselves – without honoring and blessing it as cohesive entity, we cannot utilize the flexibility endowed within our interconnected knowing.
The more we acknowledge our sense of truthfulness, the larger area hierarchy of inner knowing we can promote. If we exclude ourselves from the capacity to unite our mental knowing, the more quickly we can arrive at something could inciteful passion. “Inciteful passion” is one of the greatest forms of motivation because of its recursive powers. What I mean by recursive, is knowing precisely what we must accomplish, getting inspired or impassioned to accomplish it, and then having this sense of momentum blend in with our other activities. Passion, never something that remains isolated, affects all of our actions – from work to learning to exercise to play. When we acknowledge the sense of inertia that becomes instantiated with the utilization of our passion, we break away from a mechanical method of following patterns in our life. We, quickly, can become focused on knowing our inner selves and connecting with this with opportunities for dynamic development of our essence.

The “Inciteful Passion” idea becomes reality when we learn to apply this incitement to our sense of place and our identity. When we possess a passionate milieu about ourselves, we can convincingly arrange our life into a sensual place of cohesive inner knowing peppered with amazing opportunities of inner knowing and peacefulness. We can provide ourselves with this sense of inner knowing by allowing ourselves to understand the very details of how our passionate resolutions are created. Believing in this generative process encourages peaceful knowing of our authentic soul and allows us to deeply comprehend ourselves and exude this warmth and grace around others for the purpose of collective compassion. The purpose of this process of believing in the fundamental “Inciteful Passion” momentum can resurrect our sense of peace from the obfuscated stagnant waters, revealing what we have always known and that we are all, in the words of Wayne Dyer, “Spiritual beings having a human experience”.

What is fascinating is that our universe allows adapts to presenting us with exactly what we are capable of handling at the time. Why do people struggle then? A lot of it could be self-hatred, denial, letting your internal criticism out of control. Struggle is a very complex process, but joy is very simply and natural. If we eliminate the complexity, we quickly create amazing opportunities for happiness because it will be so natural. Whatever we “want” to do, we are doing in some form or the other. We may not be doing what we want because we are not quite ready for that yet, but our actions will exhibit some variation of that activity. I remember my first restaurant job was hosting in an Italian restaurant. I wanted to be making three times as much as I was making and more, but I learned to have patience and realized if I would’ve earned more, I would’ve taken the profession too seriously and wouldn’t have had fun with it. We must burgeon acknowledgements of ourself to accept and deeply honor the emotional place in which we currently reside -- it is the "ideal spot", always.

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