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Creating Rapport by Matching Representational System Predicates and Voice Tone and Speed Journal and then Mismatching!

The Assignment:

Practice Rapport and Mismatching!!! -- 2 Phone Convos -- in phone call observe auditorally the quality of the conversation with matching voice tone nad language rapport and then see how easy (hopefully) it is to end the call when you mismatch rapport (speaking loud if voice is soft, soft if loud slow if fast, fast if slow etc) mabye may not even need to say " gotta go !" --

March 30, 2009
10:14 AM

YES!! Totally did this with Citibank person. she had slow southern drawl that I matched, with ALL Visual predicates rock on1! and I matched those "does it show in teh screen?" "I'm trying to not be in the dark" "I see that I made a deposit on 3/3, but that it shows a new statement starting on 3/15", So Matched the s low pace and the visual predicates, then when I had to go I sped up pace a lot and switched to auditory GREAT!! and It like LAUNCHED me into the next thing I wanted to do instead of having lingering d oubts about hte conversation. it felt like I was in control (well certianly in rapport with) the convo and the best thing si that you get to know differnt types of people by doing reapport and I felt like I thought like southerner with a drawl for a bit then and i LOVED the closure mismatching created when I ended the phone convo. SO awesome!!! RAD!!! SUCCESS!! That felt great because I "saw eye to eye" lol with the person using their preferred representational system (visual) and their preferred speed-tone (slower) and i created that rappport for understanding and then when ended teh conversation, I mismatched with auditory and fast (likely my preferred rep system!) wanted to check in to see if she was trying to match with mine like she might thoguht my prefererd was visual so she tried tomatch that but, bah, not likley people arent' that cpmle.x HEY that was awesome!! Cool as!! great!! Felt awes.e one more of those ! Cool! One VERY cool thing I did at the beginning of the conversations was I cycled through all three VAK representational systems saying "I'm trying to see if.."...this sounds right but..I don't feel like it went through" So I PRESENTED the V-A-and K represetnational predicates to almost kind of push her to start using her preferred one, subconsciously that could imply that we're going to start using representational system predicates in this conversation "you better choose your preferred or else you'll be confused" and she went with visual. But that VAK cycle at the beginning kind of ELICITTED or sparked her to start using her preferred, and then all we did was use visual so it was GREAT predicate matching!! So awesome!!

So a good trick is:
  1. Do the VAK predicate cycle to elicit their prefered representational system.
  2. Create great rapport by matching those rep systems predicates as well as by matching voice tone and voice speed, and then;
  3. mismatch to end the convo.
So awesome! Made me feel productive and made me feel like I "connected with a foreginer" because they are different rep systems. Additionally, when talking with the slow woman, it made me feel a bit frightened because I i knew I was stepping out of my preferred rep system speaking so slowly and usually only visual predicates (I think I like speaking fast with variety of VAK, but this is not verified fully) so that was interesting but the end result was HUGE success. Felt like I did this well and it was AMAZING how i could see and hear and feel how the rapport got established and then how easily it was to break and how I felt so much more in control of the conversation and connected to the erson.

So conclusively, VAK representational system predicate matching for rapport and mismatching for ending convs increases control and connection!!

March 30, 2009
10:39 AM
YES!! Did Second ONE with another citibank person she was a FAST Talker (HUGE differences!!!) I have to look closely to people's VAK representaitonal system. I thought all americans are the same and that I needed france or italian or australian accents to get "different people" but when I look at details the first and second women I spoke with were as different as east from west with representational systems. The second woman talked fast and complained of slow computer, she didn't use any predicates, but she was maybe auditory because talked fast, so I mathced talking fast, and then to end the convo I tried talking fast a gain out of habit, but I realized talking slow would've ended the convo because to HER the convo picks up pace and is going when people are talking fast. COOL AS!!! So awesome!!

YES!! Did Second ONE with another citibank person she was a FAST Talker (HUGE differences!!!) I have to look closely to people's VAK representaitonal system. I thought all americans are the same and that I needed france or italian or australian accents to get "different people" but when I look at details the first and second women I spoke with were as different as east from west with representational systems. The second woman talked fast and complained of slow computer, she didn't use any predicates, but she was maybe auditory because talked fast, so I mathced talking fast, and then to end the convo I tried talking fast a gain out of habit, but I realized talking slow would've ended the convo because to HER the convo picks up pace and is going when people are talking fast. COOL AS!!! So awesome!!

I think the differences between these types of representational system preferences of each person were deeper and more exciting than I first thought. The southern person was maybe like kira...someone whom I don't speak the "same language" (have different predicates and voice tone-speed so I learn from and expand and stretch my method of communicating...whereas the second person, when I meet a person that "speaks my langauge" (i.e has same predicate preferences and voice speed-tone), just joke and have fun and saw what you want! THAT's the necessary adjustment cool!

NLP Associated/Dissociated State

“A state is our way of being in any moment It comes from our physiology.
thinking and emotions, and is greater than the sum of its parts. We
experience states from the inside, but they have external markers that can
be measured from the outside, like a particular frequency of brain waves,
pulse rate, etc. But none of these can tell you what it is like to feel angry
or to be in love. “
SOOOO TRue. so awesome!!! OMG so helpful.

My baseline state changed in 00 (after meeting the devil worshipper bitch maya). Before I had different energy level, different representational system. My newer state became more chaotic. I held different values; predominant emotion of anger or so! I am blue energy (knowing what’s up with people emotionally, highly emotionally, easily overwhelmed a bit) so definitely good to stay connected with personal history, journals, etc!

GREAT general rule. Experience pleasant memories in associated experience to get the most out of them, and unpleasant memories in dissociated state to avoid bad/unpleasant feelings and to avoid getting overwhelmed. COOL. This is like a protector or integrater. If you’re in life and feel overwhelmed,just pop into dissociated state! If you’re doing something and you realize “hey, this experience rocks!” pop into an associated state to soak it up and get all the good emotions to generate a more uplifted state!



In "Maslow on Management", Maslow talks about the necessity and importance of self-actualization, but realizes that frequently, "flakes and gurus" as he calls them, learn of a new trend and bank on that to earn capital. True, true, but we must also respect the passion of such "flakes and gurus". After all, while they may try to swindle money, they do connect with honest, healthy visions that people have to have a pre-existing, intrinsic interest towards in the first place. So they can exploit, but they exploit, in a way, something good and worthwhile and if it weren't for the money charge, it wouldn't be exploitation, but identification with intrinsic values!

Take vocabulary for example, Maslow wrote, "if one increased his vocabulary, he would also dramatically increase his learning by 10 to 100 percent" (Maslow 119). That's ginormous! He also pointed out that the increased vocabulary leads to an increased awareness of the world, and, in contrast, a lower vocabulary, sincerely increases paranoid behavior. Lowered vocabularies lower your awareness making you effectively somewhat "blind"! Now those socalled "New Age flakes and gurus" could surely bank a buck on this and have overly-expensive "vocabulary learning classes" . One could argue that such an exploitation inhibits a person's growth and steals their money, but the end result is the positive heightened awareness. Conclusively, it feels like the New Age exploiters utilize a manipulative process, but with a correspondingly energizing end result.

In the conclusive denouement of the correspondence between Andrew Kay, Maslow, and the editor of the book, the reached a correlation on the nature of "gypping" ideas. Maslow described that he would, for period, feel enraged at people stealing his ideas for papers or other various constructs, but now just finds it humorous and funny. He writes, "copying or stealing is a little like stealing the egg, instead of the hen that lays the eggs. In a word, money must be used; the mind must be used; creativeness must be used and one must spend it and be prodigal with it rather than to hoard it and be stingy with it and think that it can be used up or spent in decreased in quantity...The very process of talking about ideas helps the creativeness, and thereby makes it more likely taht there will be hundreds of ideas where there were only dozens before" (Maslow 120). In other words, unless you tackle it on your own, with your own process, your own voice, and apply your own creativeness, the outcome will have limitations. However, if you do apply your own creativity, the result becomes infinite.

And the infinte, unlike the finite, players have limitless outcomes. Take sexuality, for example. The finite seducer "proceeds largely by deception. Sexual desires are usually not directly announced but concealed under a series of feints, gestures , styles of dress, and showy behavior. Seductions are staged, scripted, costumed. Seductions are designed to come to an end" (Carse 82). See, in the finite game all the sexual interaction becomes imprisoning: "Moments once reached cannot be reached again...lovers often sustain vivid reminders of extraordinary moments, but they are reminded at the same time of their impotence in recreating them" (Carse 83). In infinite play, there lies no interest in "restricting the freedom of another to one's own boundaries of play. Infinite players recognize choice in all aspects of of sexuality," so because they always have choice, they never experience the confinements of a relationship. Infinite relationships always expand. Regarding sexual orientation, "sexuality is not a bounded phenomenon but a horizontal phenomenon for infinite players. One can never say, therefore, that an infinite player is homosexual, or heterosexual, or celibate, or adulterous, or faithful -- because each of these definitions has to do with boundaries" (Carse 83). In short, whenever you break into that seductive, staged, concealed feints , and pre-defined orientational style of play, you imprions yourself within an inhibiting inhibiting relationship arena that confines your soul and locks down your opportunities for spontaneity and creativity.

Even with an expanded vocabulary of which Maslow discussed and learning awareness heightened 10-100%, if you played your life finitely, your access to that profound awareness would function from a limitation, as though you could envision the most limitless expanse (with the vocabulary) but could only purview it through a miniscule viewing hole.

Money works for you Dad's Friend and Intellectual-Mind Works for Einstein Teaching
In Todd Temple's "Money: How to make it, spend it, nd keep lots of it", old Toddie gives some pretty hackneyed, pretty generic advice for getting work. All the material covered in the book is so easy and obvious, such as writing a resume, and channeling your money into savings, giving, and spending. A boatload of "duh!" if you ask me. However, when Temple says, again another cliche, "It's not what you know, but who you know", we can divide the professional world up, cleaving into to two distinct compartments. When you're out to make money, connections and people do, truly, make all the difference. However, what if you're trying to get job as physics professor at a prestigious university. Assuredly, you can have all the connections in the world, but if you don't know , for example, Einstein's major contributions: the special theory of relativity (that time and length could actuall change at speeds close to that of the speed of light), the photo-electric effect (Einstein proved that light is composed of quanta particles (quantum) withi na wave, proving light is both particle and wave, winning him the Nobel Piece Prize. The photoelectric effect lead to the existence of cd players, remotes, and other laser-guided technology), brownian motion (primarily dealing with proving that Brownian motion (the subatomic particle dance of molecules suspended in fluids) is caused by those subatomic particles, which proved the existence of those particles) , and e=mc2 (describing the algorithm of energy derived from mass and a cosntant), you won't make the cut.

Now Edison organized the construction of the first generating station in 1882 (Schwarz and Mcguinness 20). And then in 1916, only 34 years later, Einstein published his paper on general relativity. If anything, that functions as a telescoping presence of technology! We first build the generating station and then only 34 years later we're understanding the nature of the speed of light! What will happen in the next 34 years! That's like learning about cooking and then becoming Charlie trotter or Wolfgang puck in a few months with that pace of technological growth!

Maybe with technology we allow ourselves "error" so we get it right without pressure. "It's interesting to note that Wayne Gretsky, probably the greatest hockey player of all time, had a routine of purposely missing his first practice shot at the goal" (Secunda 79). He did this so he could experience taking the shot without pressure. If you don't aim to make the goal, pressure is removed and you can feel that performance and then apply it to have the same ease and grace, when other people might have pressure!

Buckminster Fuller talks about Tensigrity -- tension integrity, which is based on teh support structure for trees. Fuller says that "but only god can make a tree", commenting on its complex design. However, the tension integrity combines these supposedly contradiction flavors like wayne gretsky (the player who makes the most shots) missing a shot and like the expedited technological growth. We find tension integrity in nature and it truly works!

In regards to the telescoping of technology. Take the concept of the "gyro compass" versus the magnetic compass. You could find the magnetic compass on a variety of ships all throughout the world, but it had an offset and a navigator must make out a correction to make for its variation from true north. The gyro, on the other hand, automatically calculates for true north, so that calculation isn't even necessary. Technology changes the old practices, often eliminating them, but often the old practices serve a great purpose; like a navigator certainly would want to know how to do a variation check

Now, I really get a kick out of Ron Fry's great tips for interviews, they're right on! They will cause the telescoping nature of your job search to appear! In short, they are: "Think of the interview as an adventure; be polite; be enthusiastic; keep on smiling; make eye contact; be honest; be positive (always find the good reason why you did something, not what you didn't like about something)" and the best, most useful one is "don't let an unskilled interviewer torpedo your chances". I've had some terrible interviewers and you need to be able to convey your strengths, describe what you will be able to contribue to the company and float your own boat, so to speak (Fry 104). In short, as a skilled interviewee, you should know the typical interviwer questions, so if the interviewer doesn't ask them, then you can still share those responses and convey your strengths, confidence, and skills!

Now with those skills you can create image, but what about your own Journey? Johnson points out, "sometime it's important to let the dream be a mystery and jsut let it guide you, let it take you where it wants to go. Liek taking a trip--starting to drive somewhere without a planned destination -- just to see what happens" (Johnson 177). That, friends, creates a perfect resume scenario -- the road-trip adventure with no pre-defined destination other than the journey -- but you can still stay tethered to you core by trusting in yourself. We must understand our dreams as much as the adventure; the jewish talmud says "A dream which is not understood is like a letter which is not opened". We have to open those letters of our life!

Dave Pelzer, describes the most grotesque survival scenario imagineable in his childhood where, he "was banished downstairs to the garage. [His] was now an old army cot...[he] ran extra fast [to school] so [he] would have more time to hunt for food" (Pelzer 68-69). In addition to starvation, he also had soiled diapers wiped over his face, forced to drink clorox and ammonia, and was actually stabbed by his deranged mother. That, of course, is a journey we do not want to encounter, so when we trust ourselves we end up with a greater chance of avoiding horrendously frightening and crippling scenarios.

In Ignazio Siloneís ìBread and Wineî, thereís a moving scene between the main character, Don Paulo, and a girl where they stare at each other for some moments and then, ìDon Paulo was filled with great pity. ìWhy donít you believe me?î he said. Yes, now I believe you,î said the girl. ëIíve never believed anything so much. You have extraordinary eyes that donít lie. Iíve never seen eyes like yoursî (Silone 56). Was it the sensation of pity that made Don Pauloís eyes so believable? Many times when we show emotion in our eyes, others realize that we donít conceal anything. This does not suggest to go around wearing emotion in your eyes, but we must take the time to ìfeelî our emotions and live them, in addition to merely process and scrutinizing them. Living our emotions allows greater understanding, personal awareness, and, as shown from this excerpt, creates trust in others towards you.

Although the target age group is much younger with Robert Hawksí The Richest Kid in the World, he paints a scene of ìoverwhelmî quite well: ìFlashbulbs were popping and video cameras were whirring all around me. I felt as if I had just been tossed off the back of a boat without a life jacket: sink or swim, just donít say anythingî (Hawks 59). Here, the overwhelming amount of attention and hype caused the protagonist to feel panic and from that overwhelmed panic to fear communicating. Indeed, whenever we feel pressed into a new daunting situation with a lot of attention, the first instinct is to clam up. But, meanwhile, hundreds of people go about their lives competently talking to press in front of loads of cameras. We must focus on creating a positive intention with our life so we trust our words and have faith in our communicative abilities. From that faith combined with intelligence and practice and learning from our experiences, weíll always say the successful thing, never sink, and always swim!

In ìThe Strange Case of Dr. Henry Jekyll and Mr. Hyde,î when people refer to Hyde they say, ìHe is not easy to describe. There is something wrong with his appearance; something displeasing; something downright detestableî (Stevenson 11). And yet, they cannot put their finger on what precisely is so displeasing. Because of the duality between respectable Jekyll and abominable Hyde, people couldnít feel the ìright vibeî. However, ìHyde was indifferent to Jekyll, or but remembered him as the mountain bandit remembers the cavern in which he conceals himself from pursuitî (Stevenson 77). In short, Hyde ìinhabitedî Jekyllís personality. People pick that up. We must wholistically know our entire personality to ensure stability in our life and certainty in our future.

We need to have stability -- wholistic stability. Buckminster Fuller talks about how most houses have a clunky design. His geodesic, dome on the otherhand has this all-around stability, creating, as he calls it, "insideness and outsideness" (Snyder 38). So pressure and geometry and physics aligns a certain way to distribute the design and stability throughout the structure. That pervasive stability can arise by following our dreams and maintaing that good "interview posture".

This type of "tension integrity" tensigrity and "insideness-outsideness" wholisticism can occur with our identity and personal presence ,too. Frederick Persl talks about getting into our centeredness: "Of course, the optimum withdrawal is the withdrawal into your body. Get in touch with yourself. Turn your attention to your physical existence. Mobilize your inner resources. Even if you get in touch with a fantasy of being on an island or in a warm bathtub, or to any unfinished situation, this will give you a lot of support when you return to reality" (Perls 68). That type of groundedness in knowing our desires, knowing who we are, has tremendous importance in avoiding those horrendous circumstances and staying tethered, connected to our insideness and outsideness and wholistic center. Persl also writes about the elan vital, "the life force, energizes by seeing, by listening, by scouting, by describing the world -- how is the world there. Now this life force apparently mobilizes the center -- if you have a center." Acquire that center by tapping into who you are to get that tensigrity of personality and attuning to your physical existence and your desires to start the journey of success.

Ignazio Silone. Bread and Wine. New York: Signet Classic, 1986.
Robert Lousis Stevenson. The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. New York: Barnes and Noble Classic, 1886.
Robert Hawks. The Richest Kid in the World. New York: Avon Camelot, 1991.
Perls, Frederick S. Gestalt Therapy Verbatim. Toronto: Bantam Books, 1969.
Pelzer, Dave. A Child called "It". FL: Health Communications Inc., 1995.
Johnson, Julie. The Thundering Years. Rodchester: Bindu Books, 2001.
Fry, Ron. Your First Interview. NJ: Career Press, 2002.
Snyder, Robert. Buckminster Fuller. New York: St. Martins Press, 1980.
Rosenkranz, Ze'ev. The Einstein Scrapbook. Baltimore and London: The John Hopkins University Press, 1998.
Maslow, Abraham. Maslow on Management. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1998.

Interesting Random Factoids -- Toothbrushes and Temperature

Everyone Loves some Good Ol' Factoids!!!

Originaly made in China by drilling holes in Ivory and inserting horse hair!
They can be made by hand with fine copper wire and looping that around pig’s bristles, forming a tuft.

Celcius to Farenheit Conversion Generalizations
Celcius TO Farenheit
-20-40C = -4-104 F (60 degrees of Celcius equals roughly 100 degrees of Farenheit)
-20—10 = (0-15) (-4-14)
-10-0 = (15-30)-(14-32)
0-10 =30-50 (32-50)
10-20=50-70 (50-68)
20-30=70-90 (68-86)
30-40=90-100 (86-104)

The Best Works Harmonize Representational Predicates with the Tone and Mood

Really deeply fascinating NLP work from scrutinizing the representational system predicates in Jack London’s White Fang. If you examine the dialogue on the early chapters (and then the predicates throughout the rest of the novel) almost ALL of them are gustatory!! They “digested ideas”; someone was “plumb tuckered out”, even the visual dispalys were gustorary with a “cinnamon” color; someone hadn’t had a “bite” in weeks “your stomach’s sour” (that easily could’ve been phrased, you sound disagreable, your look uncomfortable, but no it was deliberately made gustoary). Why? Because White Fang is this visceral survival wild rampaging animal Wolf book! Using gustatory predicates gets the reader in the mode of this survival and chewing and after all a lot of the passages are White Fang chewing prey after all. Cool as! Towards the last third of the book it shifts to a bit more kinesthetic representational outlay of predicates as characters “tackle” ideas, but I found this fascinating and extremely logical that the primary predicates were these visceral gustatory and later kinesthetic ones about a blood-thirsty wild wolf preying and it enunciates the feral nature of the wolf, which is necessary to show how much of a change it is for it to partially adapt and partially fit in with society. Cool!! Following this pattern, you’d expect an autobiography of Bruce Springstein or something to use primarily auditory predicates and maybe some sophisticated story of an artist, maybe like Girl with a Pearl Earring to use primarily visual predicates. It’s AMAZING how predicates can set the tone of the content and when the predicates match up with the tone (survival, chewing, chomping, preying with gustatory predicates in White Fang) it makes for an amazingly integrated work! I don’t know if Jack London deliberately chose gustatory predicates or if that diction had unintentional origins, but it clearly matches perfectly with the chomping wild survival Nature content of the book!! Fascinatingly cool!

A GREAT Exercise I want to practice in the real world:
"Predicate games.
Pick a casual conversation where the content is not important and listen for
predicates.When you hear a predicate, match it in the next phrase you speak
in reply (pacing).
When you are able to do this with confidence, match the predicate and
follow it with another phrase or sentence that uses a predicate from another
system (pacing and leading). Does your companion follow your lead by using
predicates from that system in reply?"

So awesome will create more awareness of how much of an impact representational predicate usage has on generating rapport, pacing, creating/breaking rapport, matching, mismatching and those are useful in auidience performance, friendship, ending friendships, ending calls, saying no, saying yes, getting to yes. Brilliant!!!


Notes and Quotes of The Epic Paul Newman

Paul New Man Notes
From 10/10/2008 E Weekly

"Newman won just once, for The Color of Money, and took home two honorary Academy Awards, one for his contribution to film and one for the hundreds of millions of dollars in charitable contributions generated by sales of popcorn and salad dressing to which he lent his name, his face, and witty understanding that he could do an immense amount of good by turning himself into a commodity for his own purposes, not just Hollywood's" (p.24).

"It's hard to decide whether there's more there than meets the eye, or less," shrugged one interviewer after sitting through an "endless supply of euphemisms, sophistries, and non sequitors" that Newman deployed to keep almost any questioner at arm's length." (p.27).

"In the process, he cemented his status not as an icon of American Beauty and masculinity on screen, but as an actor who was interested in the frailty, flaws, and humanity of every character he portrayed." (p.27)

"All that time, under the gorgeousness was this major actor waiting to get out....He was getting on, and, an actor has a choice about how much of himself he's going to reveal" (p.28).
This one made a LOT of sense. Because after all...some times actors play roles, characters VASTLY different from their core personality (take Michael Richards for example, a very philosophical personality in person, but plays a quite a contrary character). In many ways I feel I do that as well. It's difficult to distinguish what parts of me are character versus just "me" at times. Even when trying to recreationally entertain I approach it with a seriousness, so it can even be difficult for me to make a distinguishing characteristic!

"The Weakness of the men he chose to play maybe be his most lasting legacy. His image...was that of a man chiseling detachment out of intense pain. No star who looked as heroic as Newman ever took on more losers, cads, bums, bastards, and beaten men, or played them with more understanding or less sentimentality." (p. 28)

"To watch Newman from his 20s into his late 70s, is to see an actor wrestling with the definition of manhood in the 20th century." (p.28).

"He was every inch the movie star he had always been, and also the great actor he never quite realized he had become." (p28).

Richard Thomas said, "Paul Newman represented a side of the masculine psyche that was a little foreign to me: sports and the beautiful machismo that he had, which wasn't swagger, but was always very modest, and very authentic." (p.30)

14 Countries sell Newman's Own products (including 27 types of salad dressing) and 250 million dollars from earnings have gone to charity and 100% of after-tax profits go to charity to help fund the 11 Hole in the Wall Gang Camps around the world helping over 135,000 children!

To see "Mr. and Mrs. Bridge"
"Nobody's Fool"

An Update of Acting, Comedy, NLP, Nature, Math Interests

I liked the days before all the massive spam bulk forwarding email freak fests...When an email was as rare as a letter from a friend or a postcard from a traveler...sigh.

In any case, I realized I'm very much like a kid. When I was a lot younger I never really dreamt of being a Superman or a super hero or a fireman or things that kids typically dream of an envision themselves as. So I realized in my young adulthood I've still acted as a dreamer but dreaming and pretending to be as epic as Paul Newman or as talented as Collin Farrel, Brad Pitt, or Tom Cruise or Gabriel Byrne or maybe as wise as Emerson or as clever as Einstein or as peaceful as the Dalai Lama. More recently have dreamt "play-pretending" of being as talented as the actors or comedians as witty as Jim Carrey or as fearless Robin Williams. But it's still the same as dreaming of being a superhero at age 4.

Being a constant lifelong learner, I always have to have something to study and with which to connect my mind. As of late (the past few months and years), I've been studying Neurolinguistic Programming (useful for communications, for general conversations with people, to giving performances such as comedy on stage, NLP is essential), some Jungian Psychology (for creativity and peace in aiming to understand the complex areas of life), rudimentary math (for clarity), as well as audition and standup comedy books to keep me aligned and focused on career.

"All that time, under the gorgeousness was this major actor waiting to get out....He was getting on, and, an actor has a choice about how much of himself he's going to reveal" (p.28).
This one made a LOT of sense. Because after all...some times actors play roles, characters VASTLY different from their core personality (take Michael Richards for example, a very philosophical personality in person, but plays a quite a contrary character). In many ways I feel I do that as well. It's difficult to distinguish what parts of me are character versus just "me" at times. Even when trying to recreationally entertain I approach it with a seriousness, so it can even be difficult for me to make a distinguishing characteristic!

I just know I've been type-casted a lot as the troubled person who doesnt' get a job and calls upon friends family or random "helpers" for their sound advice. I've been typecasted as that role (and as the "student") for many many many many many many years. I think it would be a refreshing change for me to play the advice-giver or the teacher for once. To do that I'll need to treat my exercise as medication. I live like 400m away from these amazing trails! I've got to get out on those atleast 2-3 times a week and surf like 1-2 times a week minimum. I paddled out at Point Dume at 7am last week and hit up the Santa Monica Trails a week ago too. Nature is that life source that refuels you, clarifies you, it's so easy just to paddle out in the ocean or walk on a trail but the effects of it are like getting a college degree or doing complex drug compatibility alignment medical healing or lifecoaching. Complexi in the simple; simplicty from the complex. Nature is both complex and highly mathematically intelligent and extremely simple in some lights.

Anyways, funny you mentioned your friend Jeremy who works for Disneyland. The jeremy I mentioned works for Katsuya which is apparently some really hip happening celebrity restaurant thing, I heard someone else say that Hollywood was like the "adult Disneyland", so in a way maybe the Jeremy I know works for Disneyland too haha!

Also that's funny you mentioned a friend who believes in all those "million dollars in your mailbox" internet scams. While I'm not guillible for those, I have had a HUGE number of times of getting duped and scammed by con artists --- from some guy saying he'll get me a job at a chevy dealership so I lend him $60 and give him a lift to some place only to find out they've never heard of cab drivers double charging getting sold generic speakers with the price jacked up...haha! I guess all hard-earned (literally) lessons. All of my 'spam bulk" emails are from casting companies and lifecoaching certification comapnies...which while they're still asking you to sign up for membership stuff atleast Hey it's more aligned with things I'm interested in in life!

I have no interest in fishing, but that's soooo cool and I sincerely admire and almost envy that ability you have to wake up and "go to work "and that "work that you go to" is what you love to do (the fishing thing). Recently it's been difficult to pinpoint what I love, but NLP, comedy, and Nature (surfing, hiking etc) are definitely all huge interests. If I could wake up and do NLP (and there's a lot of opportunity for NLP in comedy on a HUGE scale), I'd feel pretty happy or teaching. I guess any of those things would be validating because it'd be a meaningful (like with the purpose of teaching someone math or helping someone with a problem or helping someone laugh and ease their troubles) act.

As for Health, I'm much more interested in swimming than biking, the run is just always accessible. I have this kind of yoga like mini circuit with free weights and own body weight I can do in most any place which has accessibility as well.

The main reason why I contacted you when I was freaking out was because I was strongly considering going overseas to get work (Europe or Oceania). That seemed like a big endeavor so I felt I should tell someone I guess.

I think the biggest thing going on in my life these days is maybe for once I DO know what's best for me, and I'm encountering these people who smoke or who eat unhealthily or who have this maladaptive habits that I know (because I've experienced the bad habits personally) are weighing down their life. I feel like if I don't point out solutions to them, I'm doomed to adopt those patterns myself, to drift into the poor patterns if I just overlook the problems people have. But then again you truly cannot change anyone who doesn't want to change and I guess focusing on myself, on the Nature Hikes I need and fuck people. I came back from a Nature hike and these people having a pool party offered me a beer and then this guy comes over and says "his women are trying" implying that I should be making an effort to talk to the women at the party, but they're all married and then they present the vibe of "don't make them uncomfortable" and it's all just a gigantic scam. People are scam. Truly. A huge underlying theme I've noticed in LA is that it's all about being distracted or confused. I thought for awhile that was the agenda of LA to distract and/or confuse you. But it's not; people are just simply distracted and confused here!! haha!! The trick is that if I connected with Nature -- Surfing-Ocean, Hiking-Wilderness trails -- being confused or distracted in the throng of people confusion is just something laughable because there's always that true unwavering, authentic raw intelligence of Nature always there. I'm only lost when I don't connect with that.

And it DOES change you. After I came back from a two and a half hour hike, I was disgusted by bars (well, I've been disgusted by bars by strangely drawn back to them for the past 4-5 years now that I think about it) and just felt so clear in myself and saw how sloppily people had led their lives, marrying at odd ages, having kids, getting sucked into relationships because of obligations or illusions of limiting beliefs etc...Nature, Ocean, and Wilderness gives me the clarity to have peace to rise above that and ultimately make better decisions in my own life.

Math enables me to take that bit of Nature with me wherever I go when I can't connect with it. The most appealing bit of Nature, most certainly is the mathematical precision and intelligence inherent in it. So doing math problems, the universality of that universal langauge suffices to connect with that Universal source of Nature.

NLP is for connecting and interacting with people and doing performance. If I never interacted with people, or never had to perform, I wouldn't need NLP, but people exist, therefore I must study and use NLP.

Auditions, Comedy books, and dissolving limiting beliefs keep me going, prevent me from getting stuck; those resources maintain momentum and prevent blockages of doubt from arising. Blockages of doubt and uncertainty or insecurity will ALWAYS appear at any level of success, so it's important ot have a method of dealing with those and dissolving limiting beliefs does that.


All Hail the Aussie Party God!

I seriously thought the reporter was acting. how could she be so serious and controlling and almost hostilely reprimanding?? wtf?!!! lol. have people become so foully political that a good party is severely scolded? WHERE the hell do you have raging good parties where you can be LOUD (and everyone's safe, all good stuff, etc.) did people forget how ... Read Moreimportant actually having fun is? Is everyone like this? Where are the people who embrace the occasionally extremely lively party?!! IF there's so much time for hush hush, there has to be time for loud, uproarious good solid awesome parties too! :D lol.

Sure, doing this every night would be too much simply because people couldn't sleep. So a little discretion there, but really, it's something that should be heralded in many respects.

While calling this kid a savior, may be a teeny bit far-fetched, he's damn close to it! Due to conformity, fear, lack of identity, and subversion into politics, people have completely forgotten and neglected the meaning and the act of a good party. I thought the parents and the reporters were seriously "actors" because their reactions (shock and outrage) appeared so unnecessarily inflated. haha... Read More!! Thank god there still exists people like corey in the world who choose to listen to their inner voice and their own "iron string" instead slipping into delusions of what you're supposed to do. This kid is a walking example of Emersonian self-reliance. Long live aussie corey!! haha! Self-reliance!

The kid's so frickin funny! haha lol. he's so good at pissing people off and simultaneously having like amounts fun worth being jealous over haha!! I love it, people seem to perpetually stumble and tiptoe around on eggshells these days, and this kid just like sledge hammers them!! so outrageous!

I mean one died, no one was injured, the intentions were for a party, a spirited congregation for the media has become so revoltingly clogged with negative news, catastrophes (fires, murders, trials, blah) that when something actually in good spirits (a party) accumulates enough critical mass to catch the eye of the media, the media ALWAYS has this compulsion to frame things in a negative destructive light. Not only is denouncing this kid's party as bad, wrong, or "out of line" destructive, but condemning and negatively framing spirited gatherings like this show negatively warped, myopic and clouded many of the status quo beliefs have become -- people are so maladjusted to fires, murders, "negative news" that news of people actually converging for a purpose of merriment and recreation, appalls people!; and THAT is appalling! haha.

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