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Orwell is living large here (atleast in China) and Now

Chinese government apparently is banning -- yes, like Newspeak, Doublespeak, Though Police style -- words like "foxy lady" claiming they're "too seductive" and inappropriate. I've wandered if anyone whose grown up with strong language controls has difficulty "thinking out of the box' or becoming aware of their cognitive boxes. This exposes yet another reason why diversifying your extravagant vocabulary and utilizing an incessantly expanding diction is not a form of "showing off" or "impression" but an avenue to cognitive freedom for you. How you communicate defines how you think. The person who communicates with more words, therefore, has more tools to think, and, therefore, can always manufacture the most options. The person who uses a grandly rich vocabulary always experiences tremendous emotional and cognitive liberty, choice, success, and happiness.

The 4 Steps to the Seduction Process

DISCLAIMER: Quality seduction -- authentic seduction -- is not about exploitation, but, rather, fulfillmnet. The seduced are left with realized desires and long-kept fantasies are brought to the surface. Genuine seduction, therefore is a form of life empowerment, leaving one with new and expanded horizons.

  1. Seduction fulfills the consciously unacknowledged need or craving -- seduction listens to the unspoken desire. Everyone has psyche gaps and cravings.
  2. Your inner voice needs air to breathe. That inner voice frequently lusts out and is always lurking beneath the surface of your psyche.While you pine away talking about, for example, your pampered, comfortable childhood, your inner voice squirms and twitches for something esoteric, wild, and forbidden. We constantly give subconscious signals as to what we lack.
  3. The essence of the seduction process, therefore, involves deciphering and psychological cryptology. We conciously and unconsciously conceal and disguise our desires and lacks.
  4. Mastering this principle will provide you with 2 things: 1)The ability to clearly see desires in others and 2)The ability to continue providing for others without reverting to selfishness. Don't assume others want what you want and lack what you lack

1. Everyone has psyche gaps and cravings.

If we didnt' have psychich gaps and complex cravings all of our "human code", our inner workings would be in a database. We would be automatons without hidden, psychic mystery. What's an example of something that interacts with humans and can "appear" like it makes choices, but has zero unknown cravings and unkowns. Only computer programs have no hidden gaps and cravings. Fortunately, humans each have our own millions of lines of "code" detailing our own inner cravings and no one is aware of that code themselves and others never see all of it. That's what makes us human. Seduction, therefore, is a bit of programming and deciphering, and clarifying. It's really just clarifying these desires people purpsoefully or unconsciously neglect. Seduction fulfills the consciously unacknowledged need or craving -- seduction listens to the unspoken desire.

2. We constantly give subconscious signals as to what we lack.

Everyone has a voice. They use this normal voice to speak to a friend, to order pizza, th tell the cabby where they're going. But everyone also has an inner voice. Unless you're a musician, successful author or speaker, you likely have this voice still deeply buried in your life. It needs air to breathe. That inner voice frequently lusts out and is always lurking beneath the surface of your psyche. Do you always have a demanding "normal voice". If you're always demanding, what prevents you from serving? If you're constantly focusing on beauty and physical appearance, your inner voice longs for intellectualization. While you pine away talking about, for example, your pampered, comfortable childhood, your inner voice squirms and twitches for something esoteric, wild, and forbidden. The more you desensitize yourself to your own inner cravings (by fulfilling them, so you actually become more interested in others having fully fulfilled yourself), the more obvious the inner voice of others will become!

3. We conciously and unconsciously conceal and disguise our desires and lacks.

When you understand that you, I, them, her, he -- all of us -- are only half aware of our little quirks, desires, wants, lacks, and cravings and deliberately try to hide some and unconsciously hide others, we begin to understand how much of a puzzling mystery the whole seduction process becomes. No one has a huge sign on them that says "To seduce me, follow A, B, and C. And then...". The essence of the seduction process, therefore, involves deciphering and psychological cryptology. Proper seduction involves thorough scrutiny of the person's past romances, their homes, their belongings, what do they like to listen to, what time of the day are they most aroused? do they have routines? or do they thrive in spontaneity? All of these personality quirks and answers to those questions lie embedded in the messages of their clothes, appearance, phrases, past stories, and homes. They, themselves, may not even be consciously aware of some of the desires you envision. One of the best film adaptations of the most master-mind seduction artist I have ever seen was Val Kilmer in the movie "The Saint". He played a woeful heart-torn poet, he wooed Elizabeth Shue's character with nobility and depravity and creativity and turmoil. The Rescuer constantly needs to help other's problems, if you constantly have problems in life, the Rescuer will be drawn to you. Again, we all have our little decipherings that formulate our subtle interests and desires and social needs.

4. Don't assume others want what you want and lack what you lack.

This last principle is essential. Mastering this principle will provide you with 2 things: 1)The ability to clearly see desires in others and 2)The ability to continue providing for others without reverting to selfishness. Most of us fail at seduction because we are unable to escape the prisms of our own mind, our own desires and lacks. If you've been pampered your whole life, you assume everyone wants wild adventure, too. If you're prude and "above" romance, you assume everyone else is more interested in style and fashion, too. If you obsess intellectually and yearn for physical intimacy, you assume everyone has the same craving. Those three examples are all erroneous! Do not create those assumptions. Secondly, when we cease assuming others want what we want, we will have greater awareness of a person's ability to actually provide what we want! If you're seducing a a seductee who has numerous exotic fetishes, and you just want a simple long relationship, you'll realize that you may not get what you want out of such a relationship right away. Knowing that, predicting the outcome, can assuage unpleasant emotions and provide your sense of knowing with greater trust. You'll trust your ability to foretell what the other person lacks and, resultingly, you'll acquire more and more confidence in your ability to provide that vacancy for the person.


Funky Weather: Squalls, Virga, and Microbursts

Virga -- Whenever any form of precipitation (rain, sleet, snow, hail) forms, but then evaporates before reaching the earth, it is called virga. Virga is a common characteristic of microbursts.

Microbursts -- A microburst is the complete opposite of a tornado. A tornado consists of convergent upward funnelling winds, while a microburst consists of divergent downward-motion winds. While the wind direction and flow is the complete opposite of a tornado, from afar, the two look quite similar. Microbursts is a type of downburst, but more localized than large-coverage wind shear.

Squall -- A squall is simply a drastic, abrupt increase in wind velocity in the midst of a storm; it's a non-sustained surge in wind speed. They primarily occur away from strong mid-level height falls or mid-level tropospheric cooling because those regions frequently have strong upward wind motions, minimizing the potential for a squalls abrupt downward wind burst.

White Squall -- Combine a microburst with squall phenomenon, while at sea, and you get a white squall. A white squall is a violent windstorm that emerges out of nowhere, providing no "black cloud" warning. The white-capped waves and broken water, are the key characteristics of a white squall. They're mainly considered to be myth, but many sea tragedies have been attributed to these intense nautical microbursts.

Fundamentals rm,cp,mv to Advanced

In order to manipulate the cool (mdesg, modprobe, cat /etc/fstab) commands you must have the basic, most fundamental (the "boring":) file manipulation commands down pat. You use all the boring commands to manipulate files and dirs with the more advanced "cool" commands, so I've taken the time to lay some fundamental understanding of essential shell commands. This may seem slow, boring, and obvious, but I can't tell you how encouraging it is to be tweaking some advanced system root file and then feel "at home" with some essential commands. For example, you could be tweak /etc/fstab and be fiddling with obscure device ids you know nothing about and then then suddenly realize, "Hey, I can just COPY the file" and then whip out the reliable, trusty old cp command. You'll never learn the new exciting stuff untill you feel "at home" with atleast a few of the most fundamental commands.

These commands in GNU/Linux/Ubuntu (as well as most all other unix-like OS) offer a tremendously refreshing degree of simplicity in regards to working with files in the shell (with the case of Ubuntu, the awesome BASH shell). In other shells (like DOS) or guis you typically need the following fundamental commands to manipulate the essentials of files:

copy files
move files
rename files
delete files
delete directories

BASH (and Ubuntu), therefore, can do all the above with only the following commands

cp -- copy files
mv -- move files, rename files
rm -- delete files, delete directories

See the simplicity! Half the number of commands, same amount of accessible operations!

Specifically, here are the ways to manipulate files with the above three commands

copy files -- cp // results = 2+ filename // -r copies entire directory and sub-dir contents
move files -- mv // results = 1+ filename // -r moves entire directory and sub-dir contents
rename files -- mv // results = 2+ files //
delete files -- rm // result = 0 filename // -f delete without confirmation
delete dirs -- rm -r //results 0 directoryname // -f delete without confirmation

So, know understanding and have practiced with (ahem) these three commands (cp, mv, and rm) and their 5 specific implementations (copy, move, rename, delete files, delete dirs) you can build from this fundamental understanding to comprehend more advanced shell commands.

The theory here is the same "method" you used to understand these (boring) fundamental commands will be the same method to learn the more advanced fun commands. So the purpose with these three commands is not so much to learn the commands (although you must do that), but rather to acquaint yourself with how you learn new commands, so that adapting to and picking up more advanced commands will seem familiar!

Mounting File Systems Recipe
Ingredients for Mounting File Systems
vol_id -u /dev/devicename
gedit /etc/fstab
sudo mkdir /media/mountpointname

Sound Tweaking Systems Recipe
lspci -v
aplay -l
sudo gedit etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base
cat /proc/asound/card0/codec\#* -- codec informaiton and address

My info:
Codec: SigmaTel STAC9200

Default system beek Works. Only with
these parameteres

Panel Sound says "No Volume control Gstreamer plugins found"

alsamixer, aplay do not work

Sound control panel
playback: STAC92xx Analog (not connected)
playback music:STAC92xx (Not Connectioned)
audio confere playback: Autodetect
audi Capture: ALSA
Device: No options
No options


Fascinating Medical Terminology

3 Dimensions divide any bilaterally-symmetrical organism's body into three distinct planes with three axes.

Bodily Axes
  1. AP/VD: AnteroPosterior (Front to Back); Coronal, Y-Z, x-axis.
    1. In Vertebrates, Antero-Posterior = Ventral-Dorsal or RostroCaudal, beak (rostral) to tail (caudal)
  2. DS: Lateral (Dextro-Sinistral Axis)-- Right (dexter) to Left (sinister); Sagittal, X-Z, y-axis
    1. Vertebrates and humans have identical laterial axes
  3. SI/Superior-Inferior Axis (Head to Feet); Transverse, X-Y, z-axis
    1. In Vertebrates, Superior-Inferior = Anterior-Posterior (careful, a bit confusing!)
Vertebrates use the same axis, head-to-feet, left-to-right, and front-to-back, but they're on all fours so obviously, the front and back IS head-to-feet and front and back are not forward and backward as with bipeds, but bottom (ventral) to back (dorsal). Good note, vertebrates have no "superior" becomes on all fours, head becomes anterior.

Extrapolation. So if you bonk your head (superior) and have to crawl on all fours for your classes, your head (superior) becomes your anterior and your butt stays posterior (or more technically turns caudal, as in "tail")! Your butt is posterior for vertebrates and bipeds a like! Then your stomach (previously anterior) becomes ventral and your back (formerly posterior) becomes dorsal. Then let's say you do some crazy yoga pose with your left hand extened high in the air, but are rotated sideways on your inclined outstretched legs (you torso twist). Then your left hand becomes superior (or dorsal), while your right hand is ventral, your chest to back becomes lateral and your head to feet are anterior-posterior!

Bodily Planes

The bodily axis are totally warped, viewed from a person's head lying horizontally, on his side, so
  • Coronal Plane: Anteroposterior is X-axis
  • Sagittal Plane: Lateral is Y-axis
  • Transverse Plane: SuperiorInferior is Z-axis
But that's not that important, the more important thing is the planes created in those three areas by each axis. The important thing is the three planes that are created based on each axis. Lateral axis creates sagittal plane, superior-inferior axis creates the transverse and the anteroposterior axis creates the coronal (front-facing) plane. A great memory key is sagittal comes from "like an arrow" in reference to how the spine is like an arrow dividing the body and divides the body into lateral halves.

  • Superficial-Visceral -- Surface-level and Inner Organs.
  • Proximodistal Axis -- Close to torso (proximal), away from torso (distal).

Thus, you could say, with respect to my torso, my proximal limbs (shoulder, thigh) all get great blood flow, but my distal appendages (fingers and toes) frequently get low blood circulation and can fall asleep!

Common Denominator: PDK

Alas, I cannot speak from the "literary front lines" of PDK as I have not read Androids nor Scanner, but have seen both film interpretations (Blade Runner and linklater's). If I ever get around to reading PDK amidst the hundreds of other books on the to-read list, I think I'll like Scanner the best, it was written almost 10 years later, maybe his writing craft more honed, but I didn't realize how PDK owns (or net speack pwns!) the book-to-sci-fi-film area. He wrote minority report, too? So that's scanner, minority, blade runner, total recall, paycheck-- pretty big sci-fi selection. Sure, asimov set in motion the robot movies, but that's only really "one big movie" (just a bunch of remakes, bicentennial man and i,robot some of the most recent). PKD spawned Totally unique films from his books.

Total Recall and Blade Runner are some of THE most epic film sci-fi renditions (save 2001). I loved all those movies, and gravitated to all of them, but only just now discovered that the common vein between total recall, blade, scanner, paycheck, and yes, even screamers was PKD. I've seen all of those movied and loved all of them and only just realized the common denominator is PDK. far out! That's like doing problems over and over and then abstracting out to see a larger, framework formula. cool!

And talk about prolific. Prolific is an understatement for this guy. 121 published short stories and dozens of published books, nine of which were turned into Sci-Fi movies!!! Who else has done that? What other writer has achieved that much book to film coverage? Dickens? Not really, his works get clumped in that 18th century pile of the same flicks. It's shocking at how unique all of PKD's works are. Almost like multiple authors (or a multiple-brained single author) wrote the wide-ranging complex variety of works!

It's amazing how differently we watch movies versus read books. For example, with movies I'm doing NLP, watching the actors not the characters, reading body language. Actors cannot be ambassadors of the story because they have their own filtrations and perceptive distortions. Only when I read fiction do I actually learn the character names and get immersed in the plot! How can an actor accurately perceive my perspective of reality based on his or her own experiences. Moreso, the directly influences the audience with already a strong frame. By the time you watch the movie, there's so little room for interpretation and creating your own frame, you can't even breath! Books have MUCH more space for you to play to exert your own frame, of interpration. Then there are those who have such a strong frame, even a book feels confining, those people need a blank page. We call them authors. Authors, those who use their frame to create, beyond persuade or influence, actually create! But we can all live as authors of our homes or health or faith or "personal religion" or profession. Designing from our own frame, our own perceptive reality establishes indelible personal freedom! For that reason alone, I have written so much (5 books, 3 blogs, 1 monthly column-thingy) already!

Some more of those simulacrum illusion-over-reality references:
Linklater -- Scanner Darkly, Waking Life
PKD -- Paycheck, Scanner Darkly,
Wachowski -- The Matrix
Baudrillard -- the map is not the territory
Donnie Darko
The Illusionist
The Machinist -- severe denial causes hallucinations

Some Examples that "come close" and are still fascinating
H2G2 -- doesn't warp reality just exists IN a warped reality!
Gattaca, was control not illusion
The Usual Suspects was manipulation and deceit and seduction but not reality-distortion
Pedro Calderon de la Barca -- Life is but a dream

Great Duality Books and FilmsBlogger: Validate Your Life: Intention Exchange - Edit Post "Common Denominator: PDK"
  1. The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Robert Louis Stevenson -- RLS's classic epic masterpiece; a strange elixer-potion-tonic transforms a respectable, calculated man into a wild doppleganger of evil
    1. Henry Jekyll & Edward Hyde
  2. A Scanner Darkly, Phillip K. Dick -- two competing cerebral hemispheres "forget" each is leading a different life.
    1. Fred Agent & Bob Arcter
  3. The Machinist -- sever denial causes hallucinations
    1. Trevor Reznik &Ivan
  4. Fight Club -- schizophrenic man leads "two lives"
    1. The Narrator & Tyler Durden
  5. The Double, Fyodor Dostoevsky
    1. Golyadkin Sr. & Golyadkin Jr.
  6. The Number 23
    1. The Protagonist and Book Author
  7. ljlkj
  8. ljk
In all of these examples, although both identities are from the same split-person, the second identity represents the nascent, intimidating, "abusive", usurping, "bad", typically sinister half (ex. Hyde, Durden, Goyadkin Jr. etc.)
-- John


Parralax, Retrograde, all that Visual Brew-Ha-Ha

Parralax -- okaya parralax is the "apparent" (But not actual) movement of an object visually because of the REAL movement of the observer. Most common is the STellar parralax where a very distant (millions of miles) star appears to move, but realy it's the earth orbitting annually revolving around the sun that creates the impression of the star moving, a parallax. A large parralax angle means the star is closer. the farther away a star is (or an object is )from the observer, then the smaller the parralax angle (The smaller amount of shifter that occurs on the visual spectrum. A sundial is a perfect eample of a natural parralx (the dial moves (attached to the earth taht moves) creating hte impression that hte shadow moves. Just bottom-line, the observer (earth, or dial, or whatever) moves creating the impression that a distant objects moves. The closer the object, the larger the parallax angle.

Another well known parallax is the mercury retrograde. Note: this is mercury's apparent (not real) retrograde, that said, all apparent retrograde is really just a parallax effect. Mercury or Mars does not actually move backwards in the orbit. The earth just loops back around the sun so the vision the sun casts (From the earth) makes it look like it flips back the other way, In short, whenever the earth gets horizontal with a planet(it hten goes diagonal, given different rates of revoltion), the the parralax fliparound retrograde effect occurs.


Tips for Staying Healthy and Consistent Weight

The big tip here revolves around the fact that we can plan our meals and stay focused and eat our "prescribed" health food as much as we want. We've all tried the diets. The problem is when those diets collapse, our temptation resistance caves, and we lunge for the nearest bag of junk food. The best way to overcome this, simply, is to NOT do diets! Diets never work. No one "likes" diets long enough to stay on them. You can't cut corners; you have to go the hard route and find a nutritional set of foods that are simultaneously enjoyable and healthy.

HUGE Tip: Most importantly, litter your kitchen with snack food, but healthy snack food (cut up pineapple, salads, dried nuts) so when you get an uncontrollable urge for food, you wolf down something healthy and then don't guilt-trip yourself, and prevent a downward spiral.

Consistent Workouts
Working out for the sake of exercise and not some reward is the key to consistent workouts. I've seen runners reward themselves with breakfast or a donut or some food after a workout. I've seen people do cardio workouts just yearning to take off those 5 pounds. Losing pounds and food rewards make poor reinforcement. Why? Because then you begin to obsess about the pounds and the food reward! Diets never work because a few pounds become an obsession, a huge victory! You end up limiting yourself by turning a molehill into a mountain. Did you know that some marathon runners can lose 12 pounds in 2 hours (the length of their race)? 12 pounds in two hours! Then there's dieters jumping for joy if they lose 5 pounds in two weeks! Although this is physiologically impossible, for the sake of mathematics, at the same loss-rate of 12 pounds/2hours, in 2 weeks, a marathoner could lose 2,016 pounds, while you're losing 5! Of course, yes, yes, we know that's physiologically impossible, but just think of those marathoners that lose weight at rate 40,320% faster than the 5 pounds/week people! The purpose of all this is to show that when you don't focus on losing weight, you're more likely to have control of your weight and to have success with your body-mass goals; A watched pot never boils, remember, an watched weight is never lost!

Stretch. Period. Stretch. Yoga. Body Alignment. Anything you do that gets you closer to knowing your own physiology. There have been numerous studies showing how excessive malnourished eating is derived from stress. Furthermore, combined studies have shown that after sitting at a computer desk for hours on end and some of the other societally-warped behaviors in which we participate, some of our own muscles and tendons become strained and created inner tension. For example, your sternocleidomastoid (neck muscle) may become tight causing you to strain to simple stand upright. That additional strain creates stress and causes you to over-eat. Stretching will help reduce stress, align your body, and get you more in touch with your own physiology. You'll feel more conscious of what you eat and have less of an inclination to shove junk food in your system.

I stretch before and, more vigorously, after workouts. Your body is warmed up after a workout and you can extend your flexibility with the increased limberness. But it's shocking how much more control you have over your appetite with a stretching routine. Your body ceases to feel like an amorphous mass as you become acquainted with the delicate and highly precise alignment of 206 bones, over 300 muscles, and hundreds of ligaments and joints. Stretching is the number one way to achieve body mastery.

Bottom-line Question: Have you ever seen a fat gymnast? Point taken.

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